Attractiveness judgements of same-sex and other-sex self-resembling faces from DeBruine (2004).
A data frame with 108 rows and 16 variables:
- id
participant unique ID
- sex
sex of the participant (male/female)
- ethgroup
ethnic group of the participant (east_asian/west_asian/white)
- age
age of the participant in years
- m_non
mean number of times the other group members chose that male face as more attractive
- f_non
mean number of times the other group members chose that female face as more attractive
- m_self
number of times out of a possible 6 chose their male self-res face as more attractive
- f_self
number of times out of a possible 6 chose their female self-res face as more attractive
- grpsize
size of the group
- group
unique group ID
- mascpref
masculinity preference on an unrelated face preference task
- obro
number of older brothers
- osis
number of older sisters
- ybro
number of younger brothers
- ysis
number of younger sisters
- birthorder
birth order (only/firstborn/middleborn/lastborn) as calculated from number of younger and older brothers and sisters