Programming Experiments

  • PsychoPy - a free, powerful alternative to Presentation™ or e-Prime™, written in Python
  • OpenSesame - Another free experiment presentation software. Very similar to PsychoPy, but does not work on all Macs.

Animation / Video


Class Interaction

  • - Audience interaction software. Free version gives 3 polls and is is very easy and intuitive to use (GDPR compliant at time of writing)
  • Padlet - collaborative workspaces/notice boards. The free version gives 12 padlets, but they can be reused (GDPR compliant at time of writing)

Building tutorials

  • learnr - Develop online tutorials implemented using the shiny platform for web apps
  • webex - Develop web tutorials as standalone HTML files

Bookdown styles for textbooks

Exams and coursework

  • assessr - Generate and assess R assignments in RMarkdown (in development)
  • flexTeaching - Use RStudio flexdashboards to create random stats assignments
  • generate-exam - Generate a formatted exam from a CSV of questions
  • exams - Generate exams/quizzes/tests in a variety of formats
  • markr - Generating exam and assessment feedback reports (in development)