Edit the code chunks below and knit the document. You can pipe your objects to glimpse() or print() to display them.

Basic Iteration Functions

Question 1

Set the vector v1 equal to the following: 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, …, 99, 101 (use a function; don’t just type all the numbers).

v1 <- seq(11, 101, by = 2) %>% print()
##  [1]  11  13  15  17  19  21  23  25  27  29  31  33  35  37  39  41  43  45  47
## [20]  49  51  53  55  57  59  61  63  65  67  69  71  73  75  77  79  81  83  85
## [39]  87  89  91  93  95  97  99 101

Question 2

Set the vector v2 equal to the following: “A” “A” “B” “B” “C” “C” “D” “D” “E” “E” (note the letters are all uppercase).

v2 <- rep(LETTERS[1:5], each = 2) %>% print()
##  [1] "A" "A" "B" "B" "C" "C" "D" "D" "E" "E"

Question 3

Set the vector v3 equal to the words “dog” 10 times, “cat” 9 times, “fish” 6 times, and “ferret” 1 time.

pets <- c("dog", "cat", "fish", "ferret")
pet_n <- c(10, 9, 6, 1)
v3 <- rep(pets, times = pet_n) %>% print()
##  [1] "dog"    "dog"    "dog"    "dog"    "dog"    "dog"    "dog"    "dog"   
##  [9] "dog"    "dog"    "cat"    "cat"    "cat"    "cat"    "cat"    "cat"   
## [17] "cat"    "cat"    "cat"    "fish"   "fish"   "fish"   "fish"   "fish"  
## [25] "fish"   "ferret"

map and apply functions

Question 4a

Use apply() or map() functions to create a list of 11 vectors of 100 numbers sampled from 11 random normal distributions with means of 0 to 1.0 (in steps of 0.1) and SDs of 1. Assign this list to the object samples. Set the seed to 321 before you generate the random numbers to ensure reproducibility.

mu <- seq(0, 1, 0.1)
samples <- map(mu, rnorm, n = 100)

# alternatively
samples <- lapply(mu, rnorm, n = 100)

Question 4b

Use apply() or map() functions to create a vector of the sample means from the list samples in the previous question.

sample_means <- map_dbl(samples, mean)

## alternatively

sample_means <- sapply(samples, mean) %>% print()
##  [1] 0.08304484 0.21226580 0.16840128 0.12930317 0.53216771 0.40842952 0.72589166
##  [8] 0.63446436 0.81040369 1.02317536 0.91126680

Custom functions

Question 5a

Write a function called my_add that adds two numbers (x and y) together and returns the results.

my_add <- function(x, y) {

Question 5b

Create a vector testing your function my_add. Every item in the vector should evaluate to TRUE if your function is working correctly.

my_add_test <- c(
  my_add(1, 2) == 3,
  my_add(10, 20) == 30,
  my_add(-1, -3) == -4,
  my_add(0.2, 0.334) == 0.534
) %>% print()

Error handling

Question 6

Copy the function my_add above and add an error message that returns “x and y must be numbers” if x or y are not both numbers.

my_add <- function(x, y) {
  if (!is.numeric(x) | !is.numeric(y)) stop("x and y must be numbers")

Building up a custom function

Question 7

Create a tibble called dat that contains 20 rows and three columns: id (integers 101 through 120), pre and post (both 20-item vectors of random numbers from a normal distribution with mean = 0 and sd = 1). Set seed to 90210 to ensure reproducible values.


dat <- tibble(
  id = 101:120,
  pre = rnorm(20),
  post = rnorm(20)
) %>% print()
## # A tibble: 20 x 3
##       id     pre   post
##    <int>   <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1   101 -0.444   0.664
##  2   102 -0.515  -1.78 
##  3   103  1.18   -1.21 
##  4   104  1.57   -1.40 
##  5   105  0.0934  1.83 
##  6   106  0.165  -1.43 
##  7   107 -0.339  -2.17 
##  8   108 -0.780  -0.789
##  9   109  0.386   0.172
## 10   110 -1.83   -1.24 
## 11   111 -0.544   0.319
## 12   112 -0.138  -1.63 
## 13   113  0.296   0.395
## 14   114 -0.434  -1.85 
## 15   115 -0.502  -2.53 
## 16   116  0.113   0.279
## 17   117 -0.781   0.824
## 18   118  0.916  -0.622
## 19   119  0.179   0.928
## 20   120  0.0141  0.266

Question 8

Run a two-tailed, paired-samples t-test comparing pre and post. (check the help for t.test)

t <- t.test(dat$post, dat$pre, paired = TRUE) %>% print()
##  Paired t-test
## data:  dat$post and dat$pre
## t = -1.5392, df = 19, p-value = 0.1402
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -1.1299798  0.1722842
## sample estimates:
## mean of the differences 
##              -0.4788478

Question 9

Use broom::tidy to save the results of the t-test in question 8 in a table called stats.

stats <- t.test(dat$post, dat$pre, paired = TRUE) %>%
  broom::tidy() %>%
## # A tibble: 1 x 8
##   estimate statistic p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method        alternative
##      <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>         <chr>      
## 1   -0.479     -1.54   0.140        19    -1.13     0.172 Paired t-test two.sided

Question 10

Create a function called report_t that takes a data table as an argument and returns the result of a two-tailed, paired-samples t-test between the columns pre and post in the following format:

“The mean increase from pre-test to post-test was #.###: t(#) = #.###, p = 0.###, 95% CI = [#.###, #.###].”

Hint: look at the function paste0() (simpler) or sprintf() (complicated but more powerful).

NB: Make sure all numbers are reported to three decimal places (except degrees of freedom).

report_t <- function(data) {
  stats <- t.test(data$post, data$pre, paired = TRUE) %>%
  diff <- pull(stats, estimate) %>% round(3) 
  t <- pull(stats, statistic) %>% round(3)
  p <- pull(stats, p.value) %>% round(3)
  df <- pull(stats, parameter)
  ci1 <- pull(stats, conf.low) %>% round(3)
  ci2 <- pull(stats, conf.high) %>% round(3)
  paste0("The mean increase from pre-test to post-test was ", diff, 
         ": t(", df, ") = ", t, 
         ", p = ", p, 
         ", 95% CI = [", ci1, ", ", ci2, "].")
# glue works well in a pipeline
# but doesn't format digits as nicely as sprintf (below), 
# so we have to round the values before constructing the text
report_t <- function(data) {
  t.test(data$post, data$pre, paired = TRUE) %>%
    broom::tidy() %>%
    mutate(across(.cols = where(is.numeric), 
                  .fns = round, 
                  digits = 3)) %>%
      text = glue::glue("The mean increase from pre-test to post-test was {estimate}: t({parameter}) = {statistic}, p = {p.value}, 95% CI = [{conf.low}, {conf.high}].")) %>%
# sprintf() is a complicated function, but can be easier to use in long text strings with a lot of things to replace
# it also formats values with leading or trailing zeroes

report_t <- function(data) {
  stats <- t.test(data$post, data$pre, paired = TRUE) %>%
    broom::tidy() %>%
    # make sure to round values
    mutate(across(.cols = where(is.numeric), 
                  .fns = round, 
                  digits = 3))

  sprintf("The mean increase from pre-test to post-test was %.3f: t(%.0f) = %.3f, p = %.3f, 95%% CI = [%.3f, %.3f].",
          pull(stats, estimate), 
          pull(stats, parameter),
          pull(stats, statistic),
          pull(stats, p.value),
          pull(stats, conf.low),
          pull(stats, conf.high)

Question 11

Use inline R to include the results of report_t() on the dat data table in a paragraph below.

The mean increase from pre-test to post-test was -0.479: t(19) = -1.539, p = 0.140, 95% CI = [-1.130, 0.172].

Functions and GLM

Question 12

Write a function to simulate data with the form.

\(Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_i + e_i\)

The function should take arguments for the number of observations to return (n), the intercept (b0), the effect (b1), the mean and SD of the predictor variable X (X_mu and X_sd), and the SD of the residual error (err_sd). The function should return a tibble with n rows and the columns id, X and Y.

sim_lm_data <- function(n = 100, b0 = 0, b1 = 0, 
                        X_mu = 0, X_sd = 1, err_sd = 1) {
    id = 1:n,
    X = rnorm(n, X_mu, X_sd),
    err = rnorm(n, 0, err_sd),
    Y = b0 + b1*X + err
  ) %>%
    select(id, X, Y)

dat12 <- sim_lm_data(n = 10) %>% print() # do not edit
## # A tibble: 10 x 3
##       id      X      Y
##    <int>  <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1     1 -0.652 -0.596
##  2     2 -0.203 -2.74 
##  3     3  1.47   0.925
##  4     4  0.167  1.97 
##  5     5  1.05   0.430
##  6     6 -1.54   2.87 
##  7     7 -0.844  0.863
##  8     8  1.28  -1.53 
##  9     9  0.228  3.08 
## 10    10 -0.139 -1.03

Question 13

Use the function from Question 12 to generate a data table with 10000 subjects, an intercept of 80, an effect of X of 0.5, where X has a mean of 0 and SD of 1, and residual error SD of 2.

dat13 <- sim_lm_data(n = 10000, b0 = 80, b1 = 0.5, 
                   X_mu = 0, X_sd = 1, err_sd = 2)

Analyse the data with lm(). Find where the analysis summary estimates the values of b0 and b1. What happens if you change the simulation values?

mod13 <- lm(Y ~ X, data = dat13)

summary(mod13) # print summary
## Call:
## lm(formula = Y ~ X, data = dat13)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -7.0142 -1.3482 -0.0096  1.3461  7.6196 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 80.02120    0.01995 4011.41   <2e-16 ***
## X            0.51326    0.02001   25.65   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.995 on 9998 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.06174,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.06165 
## F-statistic: 657.9 on 1 and 9998 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Question 14

Use the function from Question 6 to calculate power by simulation for the effect of X on Y in a design with 50 subjects, an intercept of 80, an effect of X of 0.5, where X has a mean of 0 and SD of 1, residual error SD of 2, and alpha of 0.05.

Hint: use broom::tidy() to get the p-value for the effect of X.

# ... lets you include any arguments to send to sim_lm_data()
sim_lm_power <- function(...) {
  dat <- sim_lm_data(...)
  lm(Y~X, dat) %>% 
    broom::tidy() %>%
    filter(term == "X") %>%

p_values <- replicate(1000, sim_lm_power(n = 50, b0 = 80, b1 = 0.5, X_mu = 0, X_sd = 1, err_sd = 2))

power <- mean(p_values < .05)

power # print the value
## [1] 0.424

Question 15

Calculate power (i.e., the false positive rate) for the effect of X on Y in a design with 50 subjects where there is no effect and alpha is 0.05.

p_values <- replicate(1000, sim_lm_power(n = 50, b1 = 0))

false_pos <- mean(p_values < .05)

false_pos # print the value
## [1] 0.056

Make a histogram of the p-values from the simulation above. Use geom_histogram with binwidth=0.05 and boundary=0. What kind of distribution is this?

ggplot(mapping = aes(x = p_values)) +
  geom_histogram(color = "black", fill = "white", binwidth = .05, boundary = 0)