Tools for teaching

Lisa DeBruine
2019 July 7

R can be used for more than just stats. You can use it for generating course materials, creating and grading multiple-choice tests, computer-assisted assessment, personalised exam feedback, and websites. Shiny apps are also a powerful way to demonstrate statistical concepts. But R definitely isn't the only tool for reproducible research. We'll also discuss other tools for teaching reproducible research skills, such as Slack, the OSF, git, and GitHub.

Course Materials: Bookdown

Web Exercises: Webex

Fill in the blank

  • Type a vowel:

Multiple choice

  • “Never gonna give you up, never gonna:
  • “I down in Africa”
  • “There's nothing that a hundred men could ever do”

Assisted Assessment: Assessr

Multiple-Choice Tests: R-exams

Exam Feedback: markr

  markfile = "MARKING/1Q",
  id_col = "Student ID",
  moodlefile = "moodle.csv",
  evalfile = "_eval.csv",
  template_file = "_template_1Q.Rmd",
  moodle_dir = "ID_*"

Websites: RMarkdown/Blogdown

Interactive Apps: Shiny

Community Communication: Slack

Archiving/Documentation: OSF

Version Control: Git/GitHub