Staff training materials
The Research Cycle: Full course materials from our MSc course on data wrangling
exams package: Create exams in R
markr package: Generating exam and assessment feedback reports (in development)
webex package: Generate web exercises using RMarkdown (beta)
assessr package: Assessment/feedback for RMarkdown coursework assignments (in development)
Grolemund and Wickham, R for Data Science
RStudio cheat sheets
Video intros to R/RStudio: Analyzing Scottish babynames part 1, part 2
Lisa DeBruine’s blog
Wickham, H. (2014). Tidy data. The Journal of Statistical Software, 59, 2014
Barr, D. J., McAleer, P., Stack, N. & Swingler, M. V. (2016) To R or to SPSS: Does autonomous choice of learning technology affect competency and anxiety in Psychology Undergraduates? Poster presented at the 9th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Glasgow
Dale Barr: No more excuses! R is better than SPSS for psychology undergrads, and students agree
Baumer, B., Çetinkaya-Rundel, M., Bray, A., Loi, L., & Horton, N. (2014). RMarkdown: Integrating a Reproducible Analysis Tool into Introductory Statistics. Technology Innovations in Statistics Education, 8(1)
Brown, N. C. C., & Wilson, G. (2018). Ten quick tips for teaching programming
Grolemund, G. & Wickham, H. (2014). A cognitive interpretation of data analysis. International Statistical Review, 82, 184–204
Russ Poldrack: To Code or Not To Code (in Intro Statistics)?
David Robinson: Teach the tidyverse to beginners