Change webexercises widget style
incorrect = "#983E82",
correct = "#59935B",
highlight = "#467AAC"
The colour of the widgets when the answer is incorrect (defaults to pink #983E82).
The colour of the widgets when the correct answer not filled in (defaults to green #59935B).
The colour of the borders around hidden blocks and checked sections (defaults to blue #467AAC).
A character string containing HTML code to change the CSS style values for widgets.
Call this function in an RMarkdown document to change the feedback colours using R colour names (see `colours()`) or any valid CSS colour specification (e.g., red, rgb(255,0,0), hsl(0, 100
If you want more control over the widget styles, please edit the webex.css file directly.
style_widgets("goldenrod", "purple")
#> <style>
#> :root {
#> --incorrect: rgb(218, 165, 32);
#> --incorrect_alpha: rgba(218, 165, 32, 0.25);
#> --correct: rgb(160, 32, 240);
#> --correct_alpha: rgba(160, 32, 240, 0.25);
#> --highlight: #467AAC;
#> }
#> .webex-incorrect, input.webex-solveme.webex-incorrect,
#> .webex-radiogroup label.webex-incorrect {
#> border: 2px dotted var(--incorrect);
#> background-color: var(--incorrect_alpha);
#> }
#> .webex-correct, input.webex-solveme.webex-correct,
#> .webex-radiogroup label.webex-correct {
#> border: 2px dotted var(--correct);
#> background-color: var(--correct_alpha);
#> }
#> .webex-box, {
#> border: 2px solid var(--highlight);n }
#> .webex-solution button, .webex-check-button {
#> background-color: var(--highlight);
#> }
#> </style>