Installing R/RStudio Guide

This guide provides instructions for installing R/RStudio for students at the University of Glasgow.

James Bartlett


In this R(eady)SetGo guide, we demonstrate how to download and install the software R/RStudio on your computer which you will use throughout your degree. If you cannot download R/RStudio to your own computer, there is also a chapter guiding you through using the software on the library/lab computers.

See Chapter 1 if you have a Windows computer.

See Chapter 2 if you have a Mac.

See Chapter 3 if you need to use the library/lab computers.

Every now and again, you need to update R/RStudio or the packages you use, so there is Chapter 4 to support you there.

If you want to knit R Markdown files to PDF, you will need to install an extra package, so see Chapter 5.