5  Data Summaries

Intended Learning Outcomes

  • Be able to summarise data by groups
  • Be able to produce well-formatted tables
  • Use pipes to chain together functions

Walkthrough video

There is a walkthrough video of this chapter available via Echo360. Please note that there may have been minor edits to the book since the video was recorded. Where there are differences, the book should always take precedence.

5.1 Set-up

First, create a new project for the work we’ll do in this chapter named 05-summary. Second, download the data for this chapter (ncod_tweets.rds) and save it in your project data folder. Finally, open and save and new R Markdown document named summary.Rmd, delete the welcome text and load the required packages for this chapter.

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
library(tidyverse)   # data wrangling functions
library(rtweet)      # for searching tweets
library(kableExtra)  # for nice tables

Download the Data transformation cheat sheet.

5.2 Social media data

In this chapter we’re going to analyse social media data, specifically data from Twitter. There are two broad types of data you can obtain from Twitter; data scraped from Twitter using purpose-built packages such as rtweet, and data provided via Twitter Analytics for any accounts for which you have access.

This chapter was written in late 2021 and a lot of things have changed at Twitter since then. Importantly, starting 9th February 2023, Twitter have announced that access to their API will no longer be free, which means that the search functions below will not work unless you have a paid account. We have provided the data you need for this chapter so it is not a problem for your learning and in version 3 of ADS, we will remove any reliance on Twitter data.

For this chapter, we’ll use data scraped from Twitter using rtweet. In order to use these functions, you need to have a Twitter account. Don’t worry if you don’t have one; we’ll provide the data in the examples below for you.

rtweet has a lot of flexibility, for example, you can search for tweets that contain a certain hashtag or word, tweets by a specific user, or tweets that meet certain conditions like location or whether the user is verified.

For the dataset for this chapter, we used the search_tweets() function to find the last 30K tweets with the hashtag #NationalComingOutDay. This is mainly interesting around October 11th (the date of National Coming Out Day), so we’ve provided the relevant data for you that we scraped at that time.

If you have a Twitter account, you can complete this chapter using your own data and any hashtag that interests you. When you run the search_tweets() function, you will be asked to sign in to your Twitter account.

tweets <- search_tweets(q = "#NationalComingOutDay", 
                        n = 30000, 
                        include_rts = FALSE)

5.2.1 R objects

If you’re working with live social media data, every time you run a query it’s highly likely you will get a different set of data as new tweets are added. Additionally, the Twitter API places limits on how much data you can download and searches are limited to data from the last 6-9 days. Consequently, it can be useful to save the results of your initial search. saveRDS is a useful function that allows you to save any object in your environment to disk.

saveRDS(tweets, file = "data/ncod_tweets.rds")

After you run search_tweets() and save the results, set that code chunk to eval = FALSE or comment out that code so your script doesn’t run the search and overwrite your saved data every time you knit it.

To load an .rds file, you can use the readRDS() function. If you don’t have access to a Twitter account, or to ensure that you get the same output as the rest of this chapter, you can download ncod_tweets.rds and load it using this function.

tweets <- readRDS("data/ncod_tweets.rds")

First, run glimpse(tweets) or click on the object in the environment to find out what information is in the downloaded data (it’s a lot!). Now let’s create a series of summary tables and plots with these data.

5.3 Summarise

The summarise() function from the dplyr package is loaded as part of the tidyverse and creates summary statistics. It creates a new table with columns that summarise the data from a larger table using summary functions. Check the Data Transformation Cheat Sheet for various summary functions. Some common ones are: n(), min(), max(), sum(), mean(), and quantile().


If you get the answer NA from a summary function, that usually means that there are missing values in the columns you were summarising. We’ll discuss this more in Section 9.3.2, but you can ignore missing values for many functions by adding the argument na.rm = TRUE.

values <- c(1, 2, 4, 3, NA, 2)
mean(values) # is NA
mean(values, na.rm = TRUE) # removes NAs first
[1] NA
[1] 2.4

This function can be used to answer questions like: How many tweets were there? What date range is represented in these data? What are the mean and median number of favourites per tweet? Let’s start with a very simple example to calculate the mean, median, min, and max number of favourites (Twitter’s version of a “like”):

  • The first argument that summarise() takes is the data table you wish to summarise, in this case the object tweets.
  • summarise() will create a new table. The column names of this new table will be the left hand-side arguments, i.e., mean_favs, median_favs, min_favs and max_favs.
  • The values of these columns are the result of the summary operation on the right hand-side.
favourite_summary <- summarise(tweets,
                           mean_favs = mean(favorite_count),
                           median_favs = median(favorite_count),
                           min_favs = min(favorite_count),
                           max_favs = max(favorite_count))
mean_favs median_favs min_favs max_favs
29.71732 3 0 22935

The mean number of favourites is substantially higher than the median and the range is huge, suggesting there are r glossary("outlier", "outliers"). A quick histogram confirms this - most tweets have few favourites but there are a few with a lot of likes that skew the mean.

ggplot(tweets, aes(x = favorite_count)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 25) +
  scale_x_continuous(trans = "pseudo_log", 
                     breaks = c(0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000))


Plotting the logarithm of a very skewed value can often give you a better idea of what’s going on. Use scale_x_continuous(trans = "pseudo_log") to include zeros on the plot (just “log” converts 0 to negative infinity and removes it from the plot).

You can add multiple operations to a single call to summarise() so let’s try a few different operations. The n() function counts the number of rows in the data. The created_at column gives us the date each tweet were created, so we can use the min() and max() functions to get the range of dates.

tweet_summary <- tweets %>%
  summarise(mean_favs = mean(favorite_count),
            median_favs = quantile(favorite_count, .5),
            n = n(),
            min_date = min(created_at),
            max_date = max(created_at))

Rows: 1
Columns: 5
$ mean_favs   <dbl> 29.71732
$ median_favs <dbl> 3
$ n           <int> 28626
$ min_date    <dttm> 2021-10-10 00:10:02
$ max_date    <dttm> 2021-10-12 20:12:27

Quantiles are like percentiles. Use quantile(x, .50) to find the median (the number where 50% of values in x are above it and 50% are below it). This can be useful when you need a value like “90% of tweets get X favourites or fewer”.

quantile(tweets$favorite_count, 0.90)
  • How would you find the largest number of retweets?
  • How would you calculate the mean display_text_width?

5.3.1 The $ operator

We need to take a couple of brief detours to introduce some additional coding conventions. First, let’s clear up what that $ notation is doing. The dollar sign allows you to select items from an object, such as columns from a table. The left-hand side is the object, and the right-hand side is the item. When you call a column like this, R will print all the observations in that column.

[1] 29.71732

If your item has multiple observations, you can specify which ones to return using square brackets [] and the row number or a vector of row numbers.

tweets$source[1] # select one observation
tweets$display_text_width[c(20,30,40)] # select multiple with c()
[1] "Twitter for Android"
[1]  78 287 107

5.3.2 Pipes

For our second detour, let’s formally introduce the pipe, that weird %>% symbol we’ve used occasionally. Pipes allow you to send the output from one function straight into another function. Specifically, they send the result of the function before %>% to be the first argument of the function after %>%. It can be useful to translate the pipe as “and then”. It’s easier to show than tell, so let’s look at an example.

We could write the above code using a pipe as follows:

tweet_summary <- tweets %>% # start with the object tweets and then
  summarise(mean_favs = mean(favorite_count), #summarise it
            median_favs = median(favorite_count))

Notice that summarise() no longer needs the first argument to be the data table, it is pulled in from the pipe. The power of the pipe may not be obvious now, but it will soon prove its worth.

5.3.3 Inline coding

To insert those values into the text of a report you can use inline coding. First. we’ll create another set of objects that contain the first and last date of the tweets in our dataset. format() formats the dates to day/month/year.

date_from <- tweet_summary$min_date %>% 
  format("%d %B, %Y")
date_to <- tweet_summary$max_date %>% 
  format("%d %B, %Y")

Then you can insert values from these objects and the tables you created with summarise() using inline R (note the dollar sign notation to get the value of the n column from the table tweet_summary).

There were `r tweet_summary$n` tweets between `r date_from` and `r date_to`.

Knit your Markdown to see how the variables inside the inline code get replaced by their values.

There were 28626 tweets between 10 October, 2021 and 12 October, 2021.

Ok, let’s get back on track.

5.4 Counting

How many different accounts tweeted using the hashtag? Who tweeted most?

You can count categorical data with the count() function. Since each row is a tweet, you can count the number of rows per each different screen_name to get the number of tweets per user. This will give you a new table with each combination of the counted columns and a column called n containing the number of observations from that group.

The argument sort = TRUE will sort the table by n in descending order, whilst head() returns the first six lines of a data table and is a useful function to call when you have a very large dataset and just want to see the top values.

tweets_per_user <- tweets %>%
  count(screen_name, sort = TRUE)

screen_name n
interest_outfit 35
LeoShir2 33
dr_stack 32
NRArchway 32
bhavna_95 25
WipeHomophobia 23

How would you create the table of counts below?

is_quote is_retweet n

5.4.1 Inline coding 2

Let’s do another example of inline coding that writes up a summary of the most prolific tweeters to demonstrate a few additional functions. First, we need to create some additional objects to use with inline R:

  • nrow() simply counts the number of rows in a dataset so if you have one user/participant/customer per row, this is an easy way to do a head count.
  • slice() chooses a particular row of data, in this case the first row. Because we sorted our data, this will therefore be the user with the most tweets.
  • pull() pulls out a single variable.
  • The combination of slice() and pull() allows you to choose a single observation from a single variable.
unique_users <- nrow(tweets_per_user)
most_prolific <- slice(tweets_per_user, 1) %>% 
most_prolific_n <- slice(tweets_per_user, 1) %>% 

Then add the inline code to your report…

There were `r unique_users` unique accounts tweeting about #NationalComingOutDay. `r most_prolific` was the most prolific tweeter, with `r most_prolific_n` tweets.

…and knit your Markdown to see the output:

There were 25189 unique accounts tweeting about #NationalComingOutDay. interest_outfit was the most prolific tweeter, with 35 tweets.

5.5 Grouping

You can also create summary values by group. The combination of group_by() and summarise() is incredibly powerful, and it is also a good demonstration of why pipes are so useful.

The function group_by() takes an existing data table and converts it into a grouped table, where any operations that are performed on it are done “by group”.

The first line of code creates an object named tweets_grouped, that groups the dataset according to whether the user is a verified user. On the surface, tweets_grouped doesn’t look any different to the original tweets. However, the underlying structure has changed and so when we run summarise(), we now get our requested summaries for each group (in this case verified or not).

tweets_grouped <- tweets %>%

verified <- tweets_grouped %>%
  summarise(count = n(),
            mean_favs = mean(favorite_count),
            mean_retweets = mean(retweet_count)) %>%

verified count mean_favs mean_retweets
FALSE 26676 18.40576 1.825649
TRUE 1950 184.45949 21.511282

Make sure you call the ungroup() function when you are done with grouped functions. Failing to do this can cause all sorts of mysterious problems if you use that data table later assuming it isn’t grouped.

Whilst the above code is functional, it adds an unnecessary object to the environment - tweets_grouped is taking up space and increases the risk we’ll use this grouped object by mistake. Enter… the pipe.

Rather than creating an intermediate object, we can use the pipe to string our code together.

verified <- 
  tweets %>% # Start with the original dataset; and then
  group_by(verified) %>% # group it; and then
  summarise(count = n(), # summarise it by those groups
            mean_favs = mean(favorite_count),
            mean_retweets = mean(retweet_count)) %>%
  • What would you change to calculate the mean favourites and retweets by screen_name instead of by verified?

5.5.1 Multiple groupings

You can add multiple variables to group_by() to further break down your data. For example, the below gives us the number of likes and retweets broken down by verified status and the device the person was tweeting from (source).

  • Reverse the order of verified and source in group_by() to see how it changed the output.
verified_source <- tweets %>%
  group_by(verified, source) %>%
  summarise(count = n(),
            mean_favs = mean(favorite_count),
            mean_retweets = mean(retweet_count)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%

verified source count mean_favs mean_retweets
FALSE Twitter for iPhone 12943 25.40493 2.304643
FALSE Twitter for Android 5807 11.90839 1.155846
FALSE Twitter Web App 5795 13.54737 1.611217
TRUE Twitter for iPhone 691 323.24457 29.010130
TRUE Twitter Web App 560 131.44643 21.717857
FALSE Twitter for iPad 374 13.85027 2.042781

You may get the following message when using summarise() after group_by().

summarise() has grouped output by ‘verified’. You can override using the .groups argument.

Tidyverse recently added a message to remind you whether the summarise() function automatically ungroups grouped data or not (it may do different things depending on how it’s used). You can set the argument .groups to “drop”, “drop_last”, “keep”, or “rowwise” (see the help for ?summarise), but it’s good practice to explicitly use ungroup() when you’re done working by groups, regardless.

5.5.2 Filter and mutate

You can also use additional functions like filter() or mutate() after group_by. You’ll learn more about these in Chapter 9 but briefly:

  • filter() keeps observations (rows) according to specified criteria, e.g., all values above 5, or all verified users.
  • mutate() creates new variables (columns), or overwrites existing ones.

You can combine functions like this to get detailed insights into your data. For example, what were the most favourited original and quoted tweets?

  • The variable is_quote tells us whether the tweet in question was an original tweet or a quote tweet. Because we want our output to treat these separately, we pass this variable to group_by().
  • We want the most favourited tweets, i.e., the maximum value of favourite_count, so we can use filter() to only return rows where favourite_count is equal to the maximum value in the variable favourite_count. Note the use of == rather than a single =.
  • Just in case there was a tie, choose a random one with sample_n(size = 1).
most_fav <- tweets %>%
  group_by(is_quote) %>%
  filter(favorite_count == max(favorite_count)) %>%
  sample_n(size = 1) %>%
  • How would you limit the results to sources with 10 or more rows?

5.5.3 Inline coding 3

There’s a huge amount of data reported for each tweet, including things like the URLs of the tweets and any media attached to them. This means we can produce output like the below reproducibly and using inline coding.

The most favourited 22935 original tweet was by jackrooke:

it’s #nationalcomingoutday 🎉 here’s a pic of how I came out back in 2003 xx https://t.co/spBmHhF6p4

To produce this, first we split most_fav, so that we have one object that contains the data from the original tweet and one object that contains the data from the quote tweet.

orig <- filter(most_fav,is_quote == FALSE)
quote <- filter(most_fav,is_quote == TRUE)

The inline code is then as follows:

The most favourited `r orig$favorite_count` original tweet was by [`r orig$screen_name`](`r orig$status_url`):

> `r orig$text`

![](`r orig$ext_media_url`)


This is quite complicated so let’s break it down.

  • The first bit of inline coding is fairly standard and is what you have used before.
  • The second bit of inline coding inserts a URL. The content of the [] is the text that will be displayed. The content of () is the underlying URL. In both cases, the content is being pulled from the dataset. In this case, the text is screen_name and status_url links to the tweet.
  • The line of dashes creates the solid line in the knitted output.
  • The > symbol changes the format to a block quote.
  • The image is then included using the format ![](url), which is an alternative method of including images in Markdown.

5.6 Exercises

That was an intensive chapter! Take a break and then try one (or more) of the following and post your knitted HTML files on Teams so that other learners on the course can see what you did.

  • If you have your own Twitter account, conduct a similar analysis of a different hashtag.
  • Look through the rest of the variables in tweets; what other insights can you generate about this data?
  • Read through the kableExtra vignettes and apply your own preferred table style.
  • Work through the first few chapters of Tidy Text to see how you can work with and analyse text. In particular, see if you can conduct a sentiment analysis on the tweet data.

5.7 Glossary

term definition
mean A descriptive statistic that measures the average value of a set of numbers.
median The middle number in a distribution where half of the values are larger and half are smaller.
pipe A way to order your code in a more readable format using the symbol %>%
quantile Cutoffs dividing the range of a distribution into continuous intervals with equal probabilities.
vector A type of data structure that collects values with the same data type, like T/F values, numbers, or strings.

5.8 Further resources