Aims of this Session

This session will be split into two sections. Firstly, we’ll expand upon what you’ve learned about ggplot2 syntax and functions and introduce tidytext. For the second half, we’ll have a go at visualising themes. We hope that you’ll have fun and feel free to ask any questions.

Setting Up


  • The data - first data set we’ll be using for the first section

  • The data - second data set we’ll be using for the second section.

Please download both, right click on each of the above files and select ‘save as’.


library(tidytext) # for transforming data
library(tidyverse) # for data wrangling
library(Cairo) # for ggwordcloud package to run
library(ggwordcloud) # to render wordclouds
library(DiagrammeR) # to make qual coding
library(rgexf) #To create graph files

Opening File

Firstly, we need to open up the text file. We have opened .csv before, opening a text file is slightly different using the read.table function. Once the file is loaded… let’s have a peek at some of the data.

glasgowData <- read.table("Glasgow.txt", header = FALSE, fill = TRUE, encoding = "UTF-8")

print(head(glasgowData), 1)
##          V1           V2      V3       V4             V5         V6
## 1   Glasgow (/ˈɡlɑːzɡoʊ, ˈɡlæz-, ˈɡlɑːs-, ˈɡlæs-/;[4][5]     Scots:
## 2   Glasgow         grew    from        a          small      rural
## 3      With          the   onset       of            the Industrial
## 4        In          the    late     19th            and      early
## 5   Glasgow       hosted     the     2014   Commonwealth      Games
## 6 Etymology                                                        
##            V7         V8         V9        V10           V11          V12
## 1      Glesga [ˈɡlezɡə];   Scottish    Gaelic:       Glaschu [ˈkl̪ˠas̪əxu])
## 2  settlement         on        the      River         Clyde           to
## 3 Revolution,        the population        and       economy           of
## 4        20th centuries,  Glasgow's population          grew     rapidly,
## 5         and        the      first   European Championships           in
## 6                                                                        
##        V13 V14     V15         V16       V17       V18       V19       V20
## 1       is the    most    populous      city        in Scotland,       and
## 2   become the largest     seaport        in Scotland,       and     tenth
## 3  Glasgow and     the surrounding    region  expanded   rapidly        to
## 4 reaching   a    peak          of 1,127,825    people        in 1938.[10]
## 5    2018; and      is        also      well     known        in       the
## 6                                                                         
##             V21   V22     V23      V24           V25         V26     V27
## 1           the third    most populous          city          in     the
## 2       largest    by tonnage       in      Britain.   Expanding    from
## 3        become   one      of      the       world's pre-eminent centres
## 4 Comprehensive urban renewal projects            in         the  1960s,
## 5      sporting world     for football (particularly         the     Old
## 6                                                                       
##         V28        V29         V30        V31          V32       V33
## 1    United   Kingdom,          as         of          the      2017
## 2       the   medieval   bishopric        and        royal    burgh,
## 3        of chemicals,    textiles        and engineering;      most
## 4 resulting         in large-scale relocation           of    people
## 5      Firm    rivalry     between     Celtic          and Rangers),
## 6                                                                   
##         V34        V35        V36           V37      V38          V39
## 1 estimated       city population            of 621,020. Historically
## 2       and        the      later establishment       of          the
## 3   notably         in        the  shipbuilding      and       marine
## 4        to designated        new        towns;     such           as
## 5    rugby, athletics,    tennis,          golf      and    swimming.
## 6                                                                    
##            V40         V41          V42      V43  V44        V45      V46
## 1         part          of Lanarkshire,      the city        now    forms
## 2   University          of      Glasgow       in  the  fifteenth century,
## 3  engineering   industry,        which produced many innovative      and
## 4 Cumbernauld, Livingston,         East Kilbride  and peripheral suburbs,
## 5                                                                        
## 6                                                                        
##        V47      V48        V49      V50      V51
## 1      the  Glasgow       City  council    area,
## 2       it   became          a    major   centre
## 3   famous vessels.    Glasgow      was      the
## 4 followed       by successive boundary changes,
## 5                                               
## 6                                               
##                                 V52 V53        V54           V55     V56
## 1                               one  of        the            32 council
## 2                                of the   Scottish Enlightenment      in
## 3 Second City of the British Empire for       much            of     the
## 4                           reduced the population            of     the
## 5                                                                       
## 6                                                                       
##         V57        V58       V59       V60     V61        V62     V63
## 1     areas         of Scotland;       the   local  authority      is
## 2       the eighteenth  century.      From     the eighteenth century
## 3 Victorian        era       and Edwardian period,   although    many
## 4      City         of   Glasgow   council    area         to      an
## 5                                                                    
## 6                                                                    
##         V64      V65      V66       V67    V68                 V69 V70 V71
## 1   Glasgow     City Council.   Glasgow     is            situated  on the
## 2  onwards,      the     city      also   grew                  as one  of
## 3    cities    argue      the     title    was theirs.[6][7][8][9]        
## 4 estimated 615,070,     with 1,209,143 people              living  in the
## 5                                                                         
## 6                                                                         
##       V72       V73   V74       V75       V76           V77          V78
## 1   River     Clyde    in       the country's          West      Central
## 2   Great Britain's  main      hubs        of transatlantic        trade
## 3                                                                       
## 4 Greater   Glasgow urban area.[11]       The         wider metropolitan
## 5                                                                       
## 6                                                                       
##         V79         V80     V81 V82  V83       V84      V85      V86 V87
## 1 Lowlands. Inhabitants      of the city       are referred       to  as
## 2      with       North America and  the      West  Indies.             
## 3                                                                       
## 4      area          is    home  to over 1,800,000  people, equating  to
## 5                                                                       
## 6                                                                       
##           V88 V89     V90        V91         V92 V93  V94    V95  V96
## 1 Glaswegians  or Weegies          .          It  is  the fourth most
## 2                                                                    
## 3                                                                    
## 4      around 33%      of Scotland's population. The city    has  one
## 5                                                                    
## 6                                                                    
##       V97  V98     V99      V100        V101     V102     V103 V104
## 1 visited city      in       the UK[citation needed].  Glasgow   is
## 2                                                                  
## 3                                                                  
## 4      of  the highest densities          of      any locality   in
## 5                                                                  
## 6                                                                  
##       V105  V106       V107 V108    V109    V110 V111     V112    V113
## 1     also known        for  the Glasgow patter,    a distinct dialect
## 2                                                                     
## 3                                                                     
## 4 Scotland    at 4,023/km2.                                           
## 5                                                                     
## 6                                                                     
##   V114 V115  V116     V117 V118 V119  V120 V121  V122      V123 V124
## 1   of  the Scots language that   is noted  for being difficult   to
## 2                                                                   
## 3                                                                   
## 4                                                                   
## 5                                                                   
## 6                                                                   
##         V125 V126  V127 V128    V129 V130  V131
## 1 understand   by those from outside  the city.
## 2                                              
## 3                                              
## 4                                              
## 5                                              
## 6

Preparing Data

I think we can agree this is very messy indeed! But let us think about questions raised during session one as a way to move forward.

  • How can I organise this data?
  • How can I make this data meaningful?
  • How can I make this data tidy?

To make the data meangingful we could create a word cloud image, showing what words are most commonly used

To organise and tidy the data in a format for building a word cloud, we can use tidy text.

The tidy text format is defined by Julia Silge and David Robinson as data being in a table format with one-token-per-row. A token is a meaningful unit of text, such as a word. We are interested in words for our analysis so we would like to split this overall text file down into tokens. This process is called tokenization.

To make tidy text, we will use some data wrangling tricks that we have covered already, and introduce some new ones.

Firstly, we will use gather() as before to change our messy data to a tidy format.This creates two columns. We have named the first column key but you can call it anything you like as we are only selecting the word column to create the tidy_glasgow dataframe that we will be working with.

How many unique words do we have?

unique(tidy_glasgow$word) %>% length()

Breaking the code snippet above down, we can see it is performing two key things:

unique(tidy_glasgow$word) picks out each unique word.

However, we are not interested in what the words are - just the number

Pipe (%>%) and then the length() function to discover we have 5120 unique words in total. Note if you are using windows it might read as 5123 because of how some characters are rendered.

tidy_glasgow <- gather(glasgowData, key, word) %>% 

#checks how many unique words there are in total

unique(tidy_glasgow$word) %>%
## [1] 5120

Tidying Data - Tidytext

Now that we have our words in long format we can tokenize, reduce our dataframe down down to only unique observations (in this case, words), and count the number of each observation.

unnest_tokens(word, word) transforms our data to be one word per row. Also strips punctuation. count(word, sort = TRUE) counts up the total amount of each word, sort = TRUE then places them in order. ungroup() count has grouped the data by word, we have now ungrouped so tokens is not grouped by word.

tokens <- tidy_glasgow %>% 
  unnest_tokens(word, word) %>% 
  count(word, sort = TRUE) %>% 

Exploring what words are most frequent.

Now we have cleaned the document up, let us see what words are the most frequent.

head() is a handy function built into R, which lets us peek at the top values. Let’s see what the top ten are.

top_10 <- tokens %>% 

knitr::kable(top_10, caption = "Top ten all words table")
Top ten all words table
word n
the 1421
of 681
and 567
in 510
glasgow 393
to 280
a 214
city 213
is 179
as 138

Removing Unwanted Words

Success, we have a word list. However, there are some common words that we might want to remove. Tidytext has a built in stop_words package that we can call on to remove frequent words such as “the” “and” etc.

We would like to be able to remove our own custom words. This is particularly useful for qualitative research where some words may be confidential. We can define what words we want to remove.

There is no numeric data within the top ten words, but we will remove numbers anyway to keep the focus simply on words.

We will need the following:

data("stop_words") to load the common stop words.

data.frame(word = c("glasgow's", "scottish")) to create a dataframe with custom stop words that we want removed. You can include anything you like.

str_detect to detect pre-defined strings (again, telling R to look in the word column). In this case we are filtering out numbers and returning a dataframe with all the rows containing all the unique numbers in the data set.

anti_join to return all rows that do not feature the data we want to remove. We will use it three times to remove common stopwords, numbers and also our unique words.

Then we can look at the top ten words again and see how it looks compared to before. Much better.

# removing stop words with built in tidytext package

tokens_clean <- tokens %>%

# removing numbers

nums <- tokens_clean %>% filter(str_detect(word, "^[0-9]")) %>% select(word) %>% unique()

tokens_clean <- tokens_clean %>% 
  anti_join(nums, by = "word")

unique_stopwords <- data.frame(word = c("glasgow's","city's", "scottish"))

tokens_clean <- tokens_clean %>% 
  anti_join(unique_stopwords, by = "word")

top_10_clean <- tokens_clean %>% 

knitr::kable(top_10_clean, caption = "Top ten clean table")
Top ten clean table
word n
glasgow 393
city 213
scotland 81
centre 58
clyde 53
west 45
park 41
street 40
population 37
home 33

Data Visualisation

Creating a Wordcloud

We can now create a wordcloud using the ggwordcloud package.

Success, a word cloud with a title. We have chosen to show the top 50 words.

wordcloudplot <- head(tokens_clean, 50) %>%
    ggplot(aes(label = word, color = word, size = n)) +
    geom_text_wordcloud_area() +
    scale_size_area(max_size = 20) +
    theme_minimal() + ggtitle("Glasgow Word Cloud") 


Task 1

Have a go at creating a word cloud with the top 200 words.

Show Solution…

head(tokens_clean, 200) %>%
    ggplot(aes(label = word, color = word, size = n)) +
    geom_text_wordcloud_area() +
    scale_size_area(max_size = 20) +
    theme_minimal() + ggtitle("Glasgow Word Cloud")


If you’re new to coding, something that you will pick up fast is the fact that we often use the internet to search for information that we need, or to help us out when we get stuck.

Remember that you are not expected to remember code and it is perfectly ok (assuming you have internet access) to google any of the functions we have covered at anytime.

Making Qual Code Diagrams

The library(DiagrammeR) package has been specifically created so that standardised syntax can be used to create diagrams in R.

Opening Text File

Here, we can open up a raw text file containing key themes from an interview with people about peanut butter.

First we will open the raw text file. scan opens up the file as a list which is useful here.


During our rigerous (and fake) thematic analysis, we constructed peanut butter as an overarching key theme. However, we also justified some other subthemes. In total we have five themes which we can view by subsetting the data as follows:

x[1] is Peanut Butter x[2] is Jelly Time (and so on)

Key DiagrammeR Syntax

DiagrammeR works by plotting diagrams as journeys (edges) going from and to (nodes). As you can see in the code below because Peanut Butter x[1] is the overarching theme, all journeys start with it.

nodesn=c(x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4]) defines our node names direct from text

create_node_df creates our themes as ‘nodes’ (destinations)

create_edge_df defines theme relationships as ‘edges’ (journeys)

create_graph creates a graph which we can render.

layout = "tree" is important because it creates the hierarchal nature, if you are curious - try removing it and see what happens.

There is a transparent audit trail for this diagram, we chose not to plot x[5] “Hate it” because a minority of participants conversations clustered around this. Visualiasing qualitative data in this way helps us to be more transparent about decisions that we make at different steps along the research journey.

x <- scan("peanut.txt", what="", sep="\n", quiet = TRUE)

from=c(x[1], x[1], x[1])
nodes <- create_node_df(n=length(nodesn), label=nodesn,  width=0.9, shape = "rectangle", color = "#983E82", fillcolor = "white") 
edges <- create_edge_df(from = factor(from, levels=nodesn), to = factor(to, levels=nodesn), arrowhead = "arrow", color = "black")   
graph <- create_graph(nodes_df = nodes, edges_df = edges, directed = FALSE) 
graph %>% 
render_graph(title = "Themes From Interviews", layout = "tree")

Task 2

Add in “Hate it” to the coding diagram. Hint remember if there are four “journeys” then there need to be four defined places to start from.

Show Solution…

from=c(x[1], x[1], x[1], x[1])
to=c(x[2],x[3],x[4], x[5])
nodesn=c(x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4], x[5])
nodes <- create_node_df(n=length(nodesn), label=nodesn,  width=0.9, shape = "rectangle", color = "#983E82", fillcolor = "white") 
edges <- create_edge_df(from = factor(from, levels=nodesn), to = factor(to, levels=nodesn), arrowhead = "arrow", color = "black")   
graph <- create_graph(nodes_df = nodes, edges_df = edges, directed = FALSE) 
graph %>% 
render_graph(title = "Themes From Interviews", layout = "tree")