5 Chi-Square Cross-Tabulation

5.1 The Worked Example

Here is our data:

Groups Yes No
A 88 93
B 160 59

We are going to need to know the Column Totals and Row Totals and the Total number of participants (N), so lets calculate them add them to our tables:

  • Group A Row Total = 88 + 93 = 181
  • Group B Row Total = 160 + 59 = 219
  • Yes Column Total = 88 + 160 = 248
  • No Column Total = 93 + 59 = 152
  • N = 88 + 93 +160 + 59 = 400

And if we add those to our table we see:

Groups Yes No Totals
A 88 93 181
B 160 59 219
Totals 248 152 400

Now the formula for the chi-square is:

\[\chi^2 = \sum\frac{(Observed - Expected)^2}{Expected}\]

The Expected values for each condition, in the cross-tabulation in a few ways but the one we will use here is probably the easiest to use and it is:

\[Expected = \frac{Total_{row} \times Total_{column}}{N_{total}}\]

This is the same as other versions you might have seen such as:

\[Expected = \frac{Total_{row}}{N_{total}} \times \frac{Total_{column}}{N_{total}} \times N_{total}\]

The will both give the same result. So using the first approach we would see that the Expected values are:

For Group A people that said Yes:

\[Expected_{A-Yes} = \frac{181 \times 248}{400} = \frac{44888}{400} = 112.22\]

For Group A people that said No:

\[Expected_{A-No} = \frac{181 \times 152}{400} = \frac{27512}{400} = 68.78\]

For Group B people that said Yes:

\[Expected_{B-Yes} = \frac{219 \times 248}{400} = \frac{54312}{400} = 135.78\]

For Group B people that said No:

\[Expected_{B-No} = \frac{219 \times 152}{400} = \frac{33288}{400} = 83.22\]

We now have our data, let's start putting it into the formula, which we said was:

\[\chi^2 = \sum\frac{(Observed - Expected)^2}{Expected}\]

Which really means:

\[\chi^2 = \frac{(Observed_{A-Yes} - Expected_{A-Yes})^2}{Expected_{A-Yes}} + \frac{(Observed_{A-No} - Expected_{A-No})^2}{Expected_{A-No}} + \\ \frac{(Observed_{B-Yes} - Expected_{B-Yes})^2}{Expected_{B-Yes}} + \frac{(Observed_{B-No} - Expected_{B-No})^2}{Expected_{B-No}}\]

And if we start putting in the values, becomes:

\[\chi^2 = \frac{(88 - 112.22)^2}{112.22}+ \frac{(93 - 68.78)^2}{68.78}+\frac{(160 - 135.78)^2}{135.78}+\frac{(59 - 83.22)^2}{83.22}\]

And if we start to tidy those top halves up a little it becomes:

\[\chi^2 = \frac{(-24.22)^2}{112.22}+ \frac{(24.22)^2}{68.78}+\frac{(24.22)^2}{135.78}+\frac{(-24.22)^2}{83.22}\]

And now we square those top halves to give:

\[\chi^2 = \frac{586.6084}{112.22} + \frac{586.6084}{68.78} + \frac{586.6084}{135.78} + \frac{586.6084}{83.22} \]

And then divide the top halves by the bottom halves

\[\chi^2 = {5.2273071} + {8.5287642} + {4.3202858} + {7.0488873}\]

And then we sum them altogether to find:

\[\chi^2 = 25.1252443 \]

Meaning that, rounded to two decimal places, we find \(\chi^2 = 25.13\)

Degrees of Freedom

The degrees of freedom for the cross-tabulation is calculated as:

\[df = (Rows - 1) \times (Columns - 1)\]

Which is read as the number of Rows minus 1 times the number of Columns minus 1. If we look at our original data again:

Groups Yes No
A 88 93
B 160 59

Looking at the table we see we have 2 rows and 2 columns of actual observed data (not looking at the titles and group names), so:

\[Rows - 1 = 2 - 1 = 1\]


\[Columns - 1 = 2 - 1 = 1\]

Meaning that:

\[df = (Rows - 1) \times (Columns - 1)\]

which becomes:

\[df = (2 - 1) \times (2 - 1)\]

And reduces to:

\[df = (1) \times (1)\]

leaving us with:

\[df = 1\]

so we see that \(df = 1\)

The effect size

One of the common effect sizes for a cross-tabulation chi-square test is Cramer's \(V\) and is calculated as:

\[V = \sqrt\frac{\chi^2}{N \times \min(C-1, R-1)}\]

The key thing to note is \(\min(C-1, R-1)\) which is read as the minimum of EITHER the number of Columns (C) minus 1 OR the number of Rows (R) minus 1; whichever of those two values is smallest.

And the minimum of Columns minus 1 or Rows minus 1 is:

\[\min(C-1, R-1) = \min( 2 - 1, 2 - 1)\] \[\min(C-1, R-1) = \min( 1, 1)\] which gives us:

\[\min(C-1, R-1) = 1\]

And now we can start completing the Cramer's \(V\) formula as we know:

  • \(\chi^2 = 25.13\)
  • \(N = 400\)
  • \(\min(C-1, R-1) = 1\)

Giving us:

\[V = \sqrt\frac{25.13}{400 \times 1}\]

And if we deal with the bottom half first we get:

\[V = \sqrt\frac{25.13}{400}\]

Then if we divide the top by the bottom we get

\[V = \sqrt{0.062825}\]

Giving us:

\[V = 0.2506492\]

So we see that, rounded to two decimal places, the effect size is \(V = 0.25\)

The write-up

If we were to look at a critical value look-up table, we would see that the critical value associated with a \(df = 1\) at \(\alpha = .05\), to three decimal places, is \(\chi^2_{crit} = 3.841\). As the chi-square value of this test (i.e. \(\chi^2 = 25.13\)) is larger than \(\chi^2_{crit}\) then we can say that our test is significant, and as such would be written up as \(\chi^2(df = 1, N = 400) = 25.13,p < .05, V = 0.25\).

Following up a significant finding

If our test was significant then we would go on to carry out the relevant one-sample chi-squares to breakdown how the association manifests itself. The key thing to remember however is that in these one-sample chi-squares, following the cross-tabulation, you MUST use the expected values from the cross-tabulation and do not calculate new expected values.

For instance if you were looking at the one-sample chi-square within Group A, then you would use the expected values of \(Expected_{A-Yes} = 112.22\) and \(Expected_{A-No} = 68.78\) to compare against the observed values of \(Observed_{A-Yes} = 88\) and \(Observed_{A-No} = 93\) as such:

\[\chi^2 = \frac{(88 - 112.22)^2}{112.22}+ \frac{(93 - 68.78)^2}{68.78}\]

Which if you walk the process through you find:

\[\chi^2 = 13.7560713\]

Meaning that, rounded to two decimal places, we find \(\chi^2 = 13.76\). The degrees of freedom, based on \(df = k - 1\) (because it is a one-sample chi-square now), and that we have two groups (YES and NO, so \(k = 2\)), would be:

\[df = k - 1 = 2 - 1 = 1\]

The effect size is \(\phi\) again because it is a one-sample chi-square and, to remind us, has the formula:

\[\phi = \sqrt\frac{\chi^2}{N}\]

And we know:

  • \(\chi^2 = 13.76\)
  • and N = 88 + 93 = 181

and if we put those into the formula we get:

\[\phi = \sqrt\frac{13.76}{181}\]

Which becomes:

\[\phi = \sqrt{0.0760221} = 0.2757211\] And rounded to two decimal places would show \(\phi = 0.28\)

If we were to thinking about writing this one-sample up, and looking at the critical value table, we would see that the critical value associated with a \(df = 1\) at \(\alpha = .05\), to three decimal places, is \(\chi^2_{crit} = 3.841\). As the chi-square value of this test (i.e. \(\chi^2 = 13.76\)) is larger than \(\chi^2_{crit}\) then we can say that our test is significant, and as such would be written up as \(\chi^2(df = 1, N = 181) = 13.76,p < .05, \phi = 0.28\).

Likewise, for the one-sample chi-square within Group B you would use the expected values of \(Expected_{B-Yes} = 135.78\) and \(Expected_{B-No} = 83.22\) to compare against the observed values of \(Observed_{B-Yes} = 160\) and \(Observed_{B-No} = 59\) as such:

\[\chi^2 = \frac{(160 - 135.78)^2}{135.78}+ \frac{(59 - 83.22)^2}{83.22}\]

Which if you walk the process through you find:

\[\chi^2 = 11.369173\]

Meaning that, rounded to two decimal places, we find \(\chi^2 = 11.37\). Again the degrees of freedom, based on \(df = k - 1\) (because it is a one-sample chi-square now), and that we have two groups (YES and NO, so \(k = 2\)), would be:

\[df = k - 1 = 2 - 1 = 1\]

The effect size is \(\phi\) again because it is a one-sample chi-square and, to remind us, has the formula:

\[\phi = \sqrt\frac{\chi^2}{N}\]

And we know:

  • \(\chi^2 = 11.37\)
  • and N = 160 + 59 = 219

and if we put those into the formula we get:

\[\phi = \sqrt\frac{12.85}{253}\]

Which becomes:

\[\phi = \sqrt{0.0519178} = 0.2278548\] And rounded to two decimal places would show \(\phi = 0.23\)

If we were to thinking about writing this one-sample up, and looking at the critical value table, we would see that the critical value associated with a \(df = 1\) at \(\alpha = .05\), to three decimal places, is \(\chi^2_{crit} = 3.841\). As the chi-square value of this test (i.e. \(\chi^2 = 11.37\)) is larger than \(\chi^2_{crit}\) then we can sa that our test is significant, and as such would be written up as \(\chi^2(df = 1, N = 219) = 11.37,p < .05, \phi = 0.23\).

And finally we can round everything off by stating that the most common answer for group A was No and the most common answer for group B was Yes.

5.2 Chi-Square (\(\chi^2\)) Look-up Table

df \(\alpha = .05\)
1 3.841
2 5.991
3 7.815
4 9.488
5 11.07
6 12.592
7 14.067
8 15.507
9 16.919
10 18.307