6 One-Sample t-test

one-sample t-test: Compare your sample mean to a known test value. For example, to compare your sample IQ to the population norm of 100.

6.1 The Worked Example

The formula is as follows:

\[t = \frac{\bar{x} - \mu}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}}\] And you can translate the symbols as:

  • \(\bar{x}\) is the mean value of your sample of interest
  • \(\mu\) is the test value to compare against (also called the criterion value)
  • \(s\) is the standard deviation of your sample of interest
  • \(n\) is the number of observations (e.g. participants) in your sample of interest

So for example, if we had a sample of 25 people, and we knew that the mean and standard deviation of the IQ of was M = 110, SD = 7.5, and that we wanted to compare that sample to a criterion value of \(\mu\) = 100, then we would do the following:

\[t = \frac{110 - 100}{\frac{7.5}{\sqrt{25}}}\]

And if we do the top half of the formula first, that becomes:

\[t = \frac{10}{\frac{7.5}{\sqrt{25}}}\]

And then start to complete the bottom half by taking the sqaure root of n first, (i.e. \(\sqrt{n}\)), we get:

\[t = \frac{10}{\frac{7.5}{5}}\] And so if we then complete the bottom half by dividing the standard deviation of the sample (\(s\)) by the square root of n (\(\sqrt{n}\)), we get:

\[t = \frac{10}{1.5}\]

And finally, if we divide the top half of the formula by the bottom half we get:

\[t = \frac{10}{1.5} = 6.6666667\]

Giving us a t-value of t = 6.6666667 which we can round to two decimal places, giving us t = 6.67

6.2 Degrees of Freedom

The degrees of freedom in a one-sample t-test is calculated as:

\[df = N - 1\]

And if we know that we have 25 participants in our sample then we get:

\[df = N - 1 = 25 - 1 = 24\]

Giving us \(df\) = 24

6.3 Effect Size

A common effect size used for t-test is Cohen's d. The formula for the effect size, in of a one-sample t-test, if you only know the t-value and the number of participants is:

\[d = \frac{t}{\sqrt{N}}\]

And here we know that:

  • \(t\) = 6.67
  • \(N\) = 25

Which if we put those into the formula we get:

\[d = \frac{6.67}{\sqrt{25}}\] And if we resolve the bottom half first:

\[d = \frac{6.67}{5}\]

And then divide the top by the bottom we get:

\[d = \frac{6.67}{5} = 1.334\]

Giving us an effect size of \(d\) = 1.33, rounded to two decimal places.

6.4 Write-up

If we were to look at a critical values look-up table for \(df = 24\) and \(\alpha = .05\) (two-tailed), we would see that the critical value is \(t_{crit} = 2.064\).

Given that our t-value, ignoring polarity and just looking at the absolute value, so \(t = 6.67\), is equal to or larger than our \(t_{crit}\) then we can say our result is significant, and as such would be written up as t(24) = 6.67, p < .05, d = 1.33

6.5 Look-Up table

Remembering that the \(t_{crit}\) value is the smallest t-value you need to find a significant effect, find the \(t_{crit}\) for your df, assuming \(\alpha = .05\). If the \(t\) value you calculated is equal to or larger than \(t_{crit}\) then your test is significant.

df \(\alpha = .05\)
1 12.706
2 4.303
3 3.182
4 2.776
5 2.571
6 2.447
7 2.365
8 2.306
9 2.262
10 2.228
15 2.131
20 2.086
30 2.042
40 2.021
50 2.009
60 2
70 1.994
80 1.99
90 1.987
100 1.984