Topic 2 Troubleshooting R and RStudio

2.1 Every time I knit, I get a message that packages are missing, and it won’t knit.

Probably what’s happening is that it tries but fails to install the necessary packages. Mark down the names of the packages that it says you need and try to install them from the command line. For example, if it says you need digest then type this into the console:


and see what happens. Note any error messages. Check the section on packages for help with specific error messages.

October 24, 2019. -DB

2.2 Why can’t I compile packages from source?

If you are a Windows user, you are missing RTools. See this FAQ

If you are a Mac user, there might be something wrong with your installation.

October 24, 2019. -DB

2.3 When I try to compile, I get the following error message:

xcrun: error: invalid active developer path


  • Open up the Terminal App. (Application>Utilities or you can use the Terminal tab in RStudio, next to the console).
  • At the command line in the Terminal type the following line.
xcode-select --install

October 24, 2019. -DB

2.4 I am unable to install add-on packages from source.

If you are not able to install packages from source, you are missing the build tools that are used to compile source code into files that the operating system can execute.

2.5 RStudio keeps crashing with MacOS 10.15 Catalina

When you first open RStudio, you might get a warning that says:

The “git” command requires the command line developer tools. Would you like to install the tools now?

Click Install just in case Apple sorts out their problem so you get the most up to date version. But you’re likely to get this error message:

Can’t install the software because it is not currently available from the Software Update server.

Go to Apple Developer. You might need to sign in with your Apple ID.

Choose Command Line Tools for Xcode 12 (not the beta) at You don’t need to install Xcode 12. Download the DMG, open it, and follow the instructions to install it. You will need your computer password.

More Downloads for Apple Developers - install Command Line Tools for Xcode 12

After you install the command line tools, you can delete the disk image (.dmg file). Quit RStudio if it is open and reopen it.

You might be asked to install new packages, such as xfun. Just click Yes to install them. If you are not asked to install packages when you open RStudio, or after you do install them, try to open a new R Markdown file. This will probably prompt more installations.

Install Required Packages

There will be a lot of red output in the RStudio console, but this is normal.

Installing Packages

After this, try to make a new R Markdown file and knit the demo file to html. You should be all set now.

Thanks to Ashley McCluskey for figuring out where to get the command tools!

October 1, 2020. -LDB

2.6 When I start RStudio, I get the error “Fatal error: unable to initialize the JIT”

This error crops up sometimes when using R on campus computers. This is due to a bug in your campus profile. Please speak to the IT Helpdesk.

November 6, 2019. -DB

2.7 stringi on a Mac

If you’re on a Mac and can’t install tidyverse because it can’t find stringi, and installing stringi fails because downloaded length doesn’t equal reported length, try this:

install.packages("stringi", type="mac.binary")

October 28, 2021. -LDB