Appendix C — Conventions

This book will use the following conventions:

A list of mac and windows keyboard shortcuts.

C.1 Test Yourself

I am going to learn a lot:

  • What is a p-value?

You found it!

C.2 Callout boxes

See the quarto reference for more options.

Informational asides.



Notes to warn you about something.


Notes about things that could cause serious errors.


Notes about things that are important.

Try it yourself.

C.3 Code and Output

## Markdown Example

* Inline code: `r nrow(iris)`
* *Italics*
* **Bold**
# code chunks
paste("Code", "Output", 1, sep = " ")
[1] "Code Output 1"
#| label: fig-fenced-example
#‎| fig-cap: "#| Set `echo: fenced` for code chunks with headers"
#‎| echo: false

Figure C.1: Set #| echo: fenced for code chunks with headers

Use a version of #‎| with an invisible character to show options in a fenced code block that you don’t actually want to apply to this chunk, such as a second echo or a duplicate label. Copy and edit the text below into RStudio and you’ll see a red highlighted dot between # and |. These lines have to go below any lines that you do want to apply to this code block.

#‎| echo: false