4  Data Summaries

Top left: Pooh Bear in a red shirt looking sad; Top right: read.csv() in outline font; Bottom left: Pooh Bear in a tuxedo looking smug; Bottom right: read_csv() in handwritten font

Intended Learning Outcomes

Functions used

  • built-in (you can always use these without loading any packages)
  • tidyverse (you can use all these with library(tidyverse))
    • readr:: cols(), col_factor(), col_skip(), read_csv(), spec()
    • dplyr:: arrange(), count(), desc(), filter(), glimpse(), group_by(), median(), mutate(), n(), summarise(), ungroup()
  • other (you need to load each package to use these)
    • janitor:: clean_names()


  1. Open your reprores project
  2. Create a new quarto file called 04-data.qmd
  3. Update the YAML header
  4. Replace the setup chunk with the one below:
#‎| label: setup
#‎| include: false

# packages needed for this chapter
library(tidyverse)     # loads readr for importing data
                       #   and tibble for creating tables
library(readxl)        # importing excel files
library(jsonlite)      # importing JSON files
library(rio)           # importing and exporting many types of files
library(skimr)         # summarising datasets
library(janitor)       # clean up data

Download the Data import cheatsheet.

4.1 Import Data

The data we’ll be working with is on method of delivery for singleton births from Public Health Scotland. You can see the most recent version at Method of Delivery, but we’ll be working from a saved version.

The data are in a CSV file (download 12.1_delivery.csv), so we can read this with the function read_csv() , and assign it to a new object that we’ll call births. You can learn more about importing data from other file types in Appendix G.

births <- read_csv("data/12.1_delivery.csv")
Rows: 97077 Columns: 9
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (7): FinancialYear, CA, SIMDQuintileQF, SIMDVersion, AgeGroup, Delivery,...
dbl (2): SIMDQuintile, Livebirths

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

When you load data with read_csv(), you get a quick summary that you should always check to see if the data were loaded correctly. One common problem is that data load with the the wrong type (see Appendix H), usually because a numeric column contains some unexpected text values. So the first thing to check is that each column has the expected data type. The abbreviation “chr” means this is a character column, which can contain any text. The abbreviation “dbl” is a double, which is a number that can have decimal places.

There are too many columns to show all of them in the summary, so it tells you to use the spec() function to check all the columns.

  FinancialYear = col_character(),
  CA = col_character(),
  SIMDQuintile = col_double(),
  SIMDQuintileQF = col_character(),
  SIMDVersion = col_character(),
  AgeGroup = col_character(),
  Delivery = col_character(),
  Induced = col_character(),
  Livebirths = col_double()

This gives you the info formatted inside the cols() function to make it easy for you to copy and edit this if any of the columns imported incorrectly.

You can also use the glimpse() function to check the type of each column, and see a few examples of the cell values.

Rows: 97,077
Columns: 9
$ FinancialYear  <chr> "1997/98", "1997/98", "1997/98", "1997/98", "1997/98", …
$ CA             <chr> "RA2704", "RA2704", "RA2704", "RA2704", "RA2704", "RA27…
$ SIMDQuintile   <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,…
$ SIMDQuintileQF <chr> ":", ":", ":", ":", ":", ":", ":", ":", ":", ":", ":", …
$ SIMDVersion    <chr> "SIMD2004", "SIMD2004", "SIMD2004", "SIMD2004", "SIMD20…
$ AgeGroup       <chr> "25-34", "25-34", "25-34", "25-34", "25-34", "25-34", "…
$ Delivery       <chr> "Caesarean - Elective", "Caesarean - Emergency", "Caesa…
$ Induced        <chr> "Not Induced", "Induced", "Not Induced", "Induced", "No…
$ Livebirths     <dbl> 9, 5, 8, 1, 6, 21, 60, 4, 4, 3, 1, 1, 1, 14, 2, 6, 1, 7…

The column SIMDQuintileQF looks a little odd. We can quickly check what all the values are in a data table with the count() function:

count(births, SIMDQuintileQF)
SIMDQuintileQF n
: 1137
NA 95940

It looks like this column doesn’t contain any useful info, so we can just ignore it, or skip it. To do this at the point of loading in the data, we create an object (birth_cols) that contains our column specification using the col_types argument and two helper functions, cols() and col_skip(). We then pass birth_cols to the col_types argument of read_csv() which uses this info to amend the file that is loaded in.

# edit the output of spec(births)
birth_cols <- cols(
  SIMDQuintileQF = col_skip()

births <- read_csv("data/12.1_delivery.csv", col_types = birth_cols)

There’s also additional edits you can make to the initial file, for example, you can also set the order of levels for categorical data when you first import it.

To check which groups our data has, we can use the count() function to check the level labels for AgeGroup, Delivery and Induced; and set sort = TRUE to sort by frequency.

count(births, AgeGroup)
count(births, Delivery, sort = TRUE)
count(births, Induced, sort = TRUE)
AgeGroup n
25-34 37557
35 and over 29592
Under 25 29918
Unknown 10
Delivery n
Spontaneous 25607
Caesarean - Emergency 22526
Forceps 19041
Vacuum 14573
Caesarean - Elective 12417
Breech 2483
Not Known 430
Induced n
Not Induced 54217
Induced 39097
Unknown 3763

We’ll now add an extra code to birth_cols to set the order of our factors. What order you choose will depend on what makes most sense for the data. For AgeGroup we’ll list them in chronological order, whilst for Delivery and Induced, we’ll sort them according to the highest value - it can be helpful to think of what order you’ll like the bars to be in if you were making a graph.


The levels for Delivery are numerous and complex, which increases the risk of a typo and is just tedious to type. Here is a quick trick to generate the text you can copy and paste into your code. The function dput() gives you the code you can use to recreate an object.

Type in the console
delivery_table <- count(births, Delivery, sort = TRUE)
c("Spontaneous", "Caesarean - Emergency", "Forceps", "Vacuum", 
"Caesarean - Elective", "Breech", "Not Known")
# edit the output of spec(births)
birth_cols <- cols(
  SIMDQuintileQF = col_skip(),
  AgeGroup = col_factor(levels = c("Under 25", "25-34", "35 and over","Unknown")),
  Delivery = col_factor(levels = c("Spontaneous", 
                                   "Caesarean - Emergency", 
                                   "Caesarean - Elective", 
                                   "Not Known")),
  Induced = col_factor(levels = c("Not Induced", "Induced", "Unknown"))

births <- read_csv("data/12.1_delivery.csv", col_types = birth_cols)

4.1.1 Clean up names

Data sets often import with column names that are a little difficult to use in code. You can manually rename them, but the janitor package makes this incredibly easy. This dataset has pretty good names, with no spaces or special characters, but it does use uppercase letters to separate words, which can be hard to remember. the clean_names() function changes everything to lowercase and uses underscores to separate word parts. Using clean_names every time you import a dataset is a good habit to get into.

births <- clean_names(births)

[1] "financial_year" "ca"             "simd_quintile"  "simd_version"  
[5] "age_group"      "delivery"       "induced"        "livebirths"    

4.1.2 Exploring a Dataset

There are 97077 rows and 8 columns of data. The data dictionary on the NHS website includes the following, but doesn’t clearly state what the possible values are for each column. We’re going to practice figuring out more about how data is structured using data summaries in this exercise, since it’s a common task to get a mysteriously formatted data file and need to figure it out yourself. At the very least, this exercise should remind you to never do this to other people – always provide a clear codebook with all values!

Data Codebook
Column Type Label
FinancialYear text Data is recorded for financial years (1st April to 31st March) based on the date of the mother’s discharge
CA text 9-digit code for Council areas based on boundaries as at 1st April 2019
SIMDQuintile text Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) quintile; 1(Most Deprived) - 5(Least Deprived)
SIMDQuintileQF text Qualifier for SIMDQuintile indicating unknown quintiles
SIMDVersion text Most appropriate SIMD release used for each year
AgeGroup text Age Group of the mother at time of admission
Delivery text The method by which the baby was delivered
Induced text Was the delivery induced, that is, was it started artificially
Livebirths numeric Number of live births

4.1.3 The $ operator

We need to take a couple of brief detours to introduce some additional coding conventions. First, let’s introduce the $ notation. The dollar sign allows you to select items from some objects, like lists or data frames. The left-hand side is the object, and the right-hand side is the item. Here, we will select columns from a table. When you call a column like this, R will return all the observations in that column.

years <- births$financial_year

If your item has multiple observations, you can specify which ones to return using square brackets [] and the row number or a vector of row numbers.

births$financial_year[1] # select the first observation
births$livebirths[c(20,30,40)] # select multiple with c()
[1] "1997/98"
[1]  2 42  3

4.2 Pipes

Let’s say you want to filter the dataset down to just the emergency C-sections, and then sum up the total number of live births per year, and then arrange the data from largest to smallest (don’t worry, we’ll introduce these functions soon). You could do it by creating intermediate objects for each step:

# filter the table to just emergency c-sections
c_sections <- filter(births, 
                     delivery == "Caesarean - Emergency")

# calculate the total number of births per year
c_per_year <- summarise(c_sections, 
                        n = sum(livebirths), 
                        .by = financial_year)

# sort by n, descending
c_sorted <- arrange(c_per_year, desc(n))

financial_year n
2014/15 8964
2015/16 8958
2021/22 8920
2011/12 8916
2013/14 8810
2022/23 8739

Whilst the above code is functional, it adds three unnecessary objects to the environment, increasing cognitive load and the risk of mistakes. Enter… the pipe, that weird %>% you may have seen.

Pipes allow you to send the output from one function straight into another function. Specifically, they send the result of the function before %>% to be an argument in the function after %>%. By default, this is the first argument, but we’ll show you ways to change that later.

It can be useful to translate the pipe as “and then”. It’s easier to show than tell, so let’s look at an example.

c_per_year <- births %>% # and then
  filter(delivery == "Caesarean - Emergency") %>% # and then
  summarise(n = sum(livebirths), 
            .by = financial_year) %>% # and then

financial_year n
2014/15 8964
2015/16 8958
2021/22 8920
2011/12 8916
2013/14 8810
2022/23 8739

Notice that filter(), summarise() and arrange() no longer need the first argument to be the data table; it is pulled in from the pipe above. The power of the pipe may not be obvious now, but it will soon prove its worth.


Base R recently added a “native pipe” that looks like this: |>, while the tidyverse has traditionally used the “magrittr pipe” that looks like this %>%. They have a few small differences that you don’t need to learn about yet. We’ll be using the magrittr pipe, but you might see the base R pipe in other sources.

4.3 Counting

You can count categorical data with the count() function. This will give you a new table with each combination of the counted columns and a column called n containing the number of rows from that group.

Let’s figure out how many entries there were per delivery type. The first argument is the name of the data table object, and the second argument is the name of the column we want to count.

count(births, delivery)
delivery n
Spontaneous 25607
Caesarean - Emergency 22526
Forceps 19041
Vacuum 14573
Caesarean - Elective 12417
Breech 2483
Not Known 430

There are 7 types of deliveries, and the new column n tells you how many rows of the data table there are per type.

You can add on a column with the numbers expressed in percent using the function mutate(). We’ll go into more detail on how to use mutate() in Chapter 7, but for now, it can be used to add new columns or overwrite existing columns.

The code below divides the value in the n column by the total sum of the numbers in that column, and adds it to a new column called percent. The next step modifies the percent column by multiplying it by 100 and rounding the value. You could do this all in one step, like round(100 * n / sum(n)), but often it’s clearer to break it into a few steps to avoid too many nested parentheses.

count(births, delivery) %>%
  mutate(percent = n / sum(n),
         percent = round(100 * percent))
delivery n percent
Spontaneous 25607 26
Caesarean - Emergency 22526 23
Forceps 19041 20
Vacuum 14573 15
Caesarean - Elective 12417 13
Breech 2483 3
Not Known 430 0

We can also count combinations of columns by adding more arguments. The table below shows the number of rows per age group and induction status, sorted by the number of rows. We won’t add on percent just yet as the additional variable requires another function that we’ll come back to later.

count(births, age_group, induced, sort = TRUE)
age_group induced n
25-34 Not Induced 20441
35 and over Not Induced 16965
Under 25 Not Induced 16805
25-34 Induced 15176
Under 25 Induced 12206
35 and over Induced 11711
25-34 Unknown 1940
35 and over Unknown 916
Under 25 Unknown 907
Unknown Not Induced 6
Unknown Induced 4

How would you create the table of counts below?

induced n
Not Induced 54217
Induced 39097
Unknown 3763

However, the numbers above are not the number of births, but rather the number of rows in the data set. The column live_births contains the number per each category, so we will need to add those numbers together to see the total number of births.

4.4 Summarise

The summarise() function from the dplyr package is loaded as part of the tidyverse and creates summary statistics. It creates a new table with columns that summarise the data from a larger table using summary functions. Check the Data Transformation Cheat Sheet for various summary functions. Some common ones are: n(), min(), max(), sum(), mean(), and quantile().


If you get the answer NA from a summary function, that usually means that there are missing values in the columns you were summarising. This may seem counter-intuitive but it is actually very logical if you consider that NA means “I don’t know the value of this cell” because the average of 1 + 2 + I don’t know isn’t 1.5, it’s “I don’t know”. We’ll discuss this more in Section 7.2.2, but you can ignore missing values for many functions by adding the argument na.rm = TRUE.

values <- c(1, 2, 4, 3, NA, 2)
mean(values) # is NA
mean(values, na.rm = TRUE) # removes NAs first
[1] NA
[1] 2.4

This function can be used to answer questions like: How many total live births were there? What are the mean and median number of births per year? Let’s start with a very simple example to calculate the total number of births:

  • The first argument that summarise() takes is the data table you wish to summarise, in this case the object delivery.
  • summarise() will create a new table. The column names of this new table will be the left hand-side arguments (e.g., total_births)
  • The values of these columns are the result of the summary operation on the right hand-side.
          total_births = sum(livebirths))

If you want to summarise by category, you can use the .by argument, as long as you have a version of dplyr that is 1.1.0 or above (if not, you can use the method in the next section).

          total_births = sum(livebirths),
          .by = delivery)
delivery total_births
Caesarean - Elective 156405
Caesarean - Emergency 209473
Forceps 115698
Spontaneous 815827
Vacuum 50470
Breech 3282
Not Known 514

If you want to group by more than one column, use the c() function to group the column names.

          total_births = sum(livebirths),
          .by = c(delivery, induced))
delivery induced total_births
Caesarean - Elective Not Induced 154531
Caesarean - Emergency Induced 81812
Caesarean - Emergency Not Induced 125973
Forceps Induced 42440
Forceps Not Induced 72528
Spontaneous Induced 225033
Spontaneous Not Induced 586595
Vacuum Not Induced 32492
Vacuum Induced 17714
Breech Induced 300
Breech Not Induced 2966
Spontaneous Unknown 4199
Vacuum Unknown 264
Caesarean - Emergency Unknown 1688
Not Known Not Induced 331
Caesarean - Elective Induced 1549
Forceps Unknown 730
Not Known Induced 146
Breech Unknown 16
Caesarean - Elective Unknown 325
Not Known Unknown 37

4.5 Grouping

You can also create summary values by group using a combination of group_by() and summarise(). The function group_by() takes an existing data table and converts it into a grouped table, where any operations that are subsequently performed on it are done “by group”.

It differs from the .by argument to summarise() in that it is persistent, so the table stays grouped until you explicitly remove the groups using the ungroup() functions, while the .by argument only applies to the function it is inside. Most of the code examples you’ll see use this style, since the .by argument is fairly new.

births %>%
  group_by(delivery) %>%
  summarise(births = sum(livebirths)) %>%
delivery births
Spontaneous 815827
Caesarean - Emergency 209473
Forceps 115698
Vacuum 50470
Caesarean - Elective 156405
Breech 3282
Not Known 514

Make sure you call the ungroup() function when you are done with grouped functions. Failing to do this can cause all sorts of mysterious problems if you use that data table later assuming it isn’t grouped.

You might have noticed that the order of the table above is different from the order when using the .by argument of summarise(). This is because group_by() always sorts the values in the grouping columns in ascending order, while .by leaves them in the order they are first encountered in your data frame. Use the function arrange() to manually change order (see Section 7.1.3).

births %>%
  group_by(delivery) %>%
  summarise(births = sum(livebirths)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(desc(births)) # sort by number of births in descending order
delivery births
Spontaneous 815827
Caesarean - Emergency 209473
Caesarean - Elective 156405
Forceps 115698
Vacuum 50470
Breech 3282
Not Known 514

4.5.1 Multiple groupings

You can add multiple variables to group_by() to further break down your data. For example, the below gives us the number of births broken down by delivery type and year.

  • Reverse the order of delivery and financial_yearingroup_by()` to see how it changes the output.
births %>%
  group_by(delivery, financial_year) %>%
  summarise(n = sum(livebirths)) %>%

You may get the following message when using summarise() after group_by().

summarise() has grouped output by ‘delivery’. You can override using the .groups argument.

Tidyverse recently added a message to remind you whether the summarise() function automatically ungroups grouped data or not (it may do different things depending on how it’s used). You can set the argument .groups to “drop”, “drop_last”, “keep”, or “rowwise” (see the help for ?summarise), but it’s good practice to explicitly use ungroup() when you’re done working by groups, regardless.

4.5.2 Percent by groups

Calculating percent by groups is a great example of the flexibility of group_by() but also why you have to be very careful and always check the output of your code.

When we just had one variable to count, adding percent was nice and easy:

count(births, delivery) %>%
  mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100)
delivery n percent
Spontaneous 25607 26.3780298
Caesarean - Emergency 22526 23.2042605
Forceps 19041 19.6143268
Vacuum 14573 15.0117948
Caesarean - Elective 12417 12.7908773
Breech 2483 2.5577634
Not Known 430 0.4429474

With multiple variables, problems can arise if we use the exact same approach because by default, it will calculate the percent that each row contributes to the dataset as a whole. This might be what you want:

count(births, age_group, induced, sort = TRUE)%>%
  mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100)
age_group induced n percent
25-34 Not Induced 20441 21.0564809
35 and over Not Induced 16965 17.4758182
Under 25 Not Induced 16805 17.3110005
25-34 Induced 15176 15.6329512
Under 25 Induced 12206 12.5735241
35 and over Induced 11711 12.0636196
25-34 Unknown 1940 1.9984136
35 and over Unknown 916 0.9435809
Under 25 Unknown 907 0.9343099
Unknown Not Induced 6 0.0061807
Unknown Induced 4 0.0041204

However, it’s more likely that you would want to calculate percent by groups. For example, what percent of people in the Induced category were in which age group? Or what percent of 25-34 year olds were induced? To calculate these numbers, we add in a call to group_by():

# group by age, percentages within each age group will sum to 100
count(births, age_group, induced)%>% #age then induced
  group_by(age_group) %>%
  mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100)

# group by induced, percentages within each induction group will sum to 100
count(births, induced, age_group)%>% #induced then age
  group_by(induced) %>%
  mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100)
age_group induced n percent
Under 25 Not Induced 16805 56.170198
Under 25 Induced 12206 40.798182
Under 25 Unknown 907 3.031620
25-34 Not Induced 20441 54.426605
25-34 Induced 15176 40.407913
25-34 Unknown 1940 5.165482
35 and over Not Induced 16965 57.329684
35 and over Induced 11711 39.574885
35 and over Unknown 916 3.095431
Unknown Not Induced 6 60.000000
Unknown Induced 4 40.000000
induced age_group n percent
Not Induced Under 25 16805 30.9958131
Not Induced 25-34 20441 37.7021967
Not Induced 35 and over 16965 31.2909235
Not Induced Unknown 6 0.0110666
Induced Under 25 12206 31.2197867
Induced 25-34 15176 38.8162775
Induced 35 and over 11711 29.9537049
Induced Unknown 4 0.0102310
Unknown Under 25 907 24.1031092
Unknown 25-34 1940 51.5546107
Unknown 35 and over 916 24.3422801

If you have updated dyplr then you can also use the .by argument in mutate():

# group by age, percentages within each age group will sum to 100
count(births, age_group, induced)%>% #age then induced
  mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100,
         .by = age_group)

# group by induced, percentages within each induction group will sum to 100
count(births, induced, age_group)%>% #induced then age
  mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100,
         .by = induced)
age_group induced n percent
Under 25 Not Induced 16805 56.170198
Under 25 Induced 12206 40.798182
Under 25 Unknown 907 3.031620
25-34 Not Induced 20441 54.426605
25-34 Induced 15176 40.407913
25-34 Unknown 1940 5.165482
35 and over Not Induced 16965 57.329684
35 and over Induced 11711 39.574885
35 and over Unknown 916 3.095431
Unknown Not Induced 6 60.000000
Unknown Induced 4 40.000000
induced age_group n percent
Not Induced Under 25 16805 30.9958131
Not Induced 25-34 20441 37.7021967
Not Induced 35 and over 16965 31.2909235
Not Induced Unknown 6 0.0110666
Induced Under 25 12206 31.2197867
Induced 25-34 15176 38.8162775
Induced 35 and over 11711 29.9537049
Induced Unknown 4 0.0102310
Unknown Under 25 907 24.1031092
Unknown 25-34 1940 51.5546107
Unknown 35 and over 916 24.3422801

4.6 Additional Functions

You can also use additional functions like filter() after group_by or with the .by argument. You’ll learn more about these in Chapter 7 but briefly:

  • filter() keeps observations (rows) according to specified criteria, e.g., all values above 5, or all induced births
  • arrange() sorts the rows by value

You can combine functions like this to get detailed insights into your data. For example, you can

  • recode the financial year into just the first year, and make it numeric
  • filter your data to remove unknown ages and delivery types
births_per_year_type_age <- births %>%
  mutate(year = str_extract(financial_year, ".{4}"), # takes first four digits
         year = as.integer(year)) %>% # transform to numeric
  filter(age_group != "Unknown", # remove unknown
         delivery != "Not Known") %>% # remove not known
  summarise(n = sum(livebirths),
            .by = c(year, delivery, age_group)) %>%
  mutate(pcnt = n / sum(n) * 100, 
         .by = c(year, age_group))

# show just the first 6 rows
year delivery age_group n pcnt
1997 Caesarean - Elective 25-34 2454 7.114899
1997 Caesarean - Emergency 25-34 3875 11.234815
1997 Forceps 25-34 2570 7.451219
1997 Spontaneous 25-34 23933 69.389116
1997 Vacuum 25-34 1534 4.447537
1997 Caesarean - Elective 35 and over 801 10.831643

Re-write the code above using group_by() instead of the .by argument?

Now you can use your skills from Chapter 3 to plot the data! The code below has a few elements you haven’t seen before. For example, it adds a transparent horizontal line at 0, which is a trick to force all the y-axes to start at 0, but allows different scales per facet. It also angles the text in the x-axis.

births_per_year_type_age  %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = pcnt, color = age_group)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~delivery, scales = "free_y") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "transparent") + 
  labs(x = NULL, 
       y = "Percent of Live Births per Year",
       color = "Age Group") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
Figure 4.1

4.7 Exercises

Take a break and then try one (or more) of the following:

  • Create a quarto report that presents the above code with nice formatting. For example, hide the code from the output and format the tables.
  • Explore the data and add at least one unique insights of your own to the report.
  • Download a different data set from Scottish Health and Social Care Open Data and create summary tables and plots.
  • If you have data of your own, practice summarising this in R.


term definition
categorical Data that can only take certain values, such as types of pet.
character A data type representing strings of text.
csv Comma-separated variable: a file type for representing data where each variable is separated from the next by a comma.
double A data type representing a real decimal number
mean A descriptive statistic that measures the average value of a set of numbers.
median The middle number in a distribution where half of the values are larger and half are smaller.
pipe A way to order your code in a more readable format using the symbol %>%
vector A type of data structure that collects values with the same data type, like T/F values, numbers, or strings.

Further resources