11  Assessment 1

A project with a qmd file showing basic reproducible report skills

11.1 Instructions

Your task is to write the outline structure of your thesis report in a reproducible quarto script. The report must contain the following:

See this report for an example.

11.2 Submission

  • Due: Wednesday, 2024-10-09 by noon
  • Covers: chapters 1 and 2
  • Worth: 10%
  • Do not put your name in your report; use your student ID as the author.
  • Please submit a zip file containing:
    1. the .rproj file
    2. your reproducible script, named report1_studentID.qmd
    3. any additional files necessary to reproduce your report (e.g., images or bibliography files),
    4. the rendered html report, named report1_studentID.html.

11.3 Marking Rubric

You will receive green/amber/red lights for each of 11 elements, and a generic feedback document explaining common issues. Each rubric element is weighted equally.

  • Green: Perfect or nearly perfect
  • Amber: Needs some improvement
  • Red: Incorrect or absent
Elements Green Amber Red
project structure
setup code chunk
section headers
cross reference
inline R
YAML header

Total: 0/22