Chapter 12 Screening Data

In this chapter we're going to focus on how to screen datasets for potential issues and to reinforce the concept of tidy data. So far, we've given you complete datasets to work with, however, you will find that real data is often much messier than this, for example, participants may not answer some items in your questionnaire or there may be errors or implausible values in your dataset. We're also going to show you a different function to make calculating descriptive statistics easier.

12.1 Activity 1: Set-up

Do the following.

  • Open R Studio and set the working directory to your chapter folder. Ensure the environment is clear.
  • Open a new R Markdown document and save it in your working directory. Call the file "Screening Data".
  • Download messy.csv and save it in your Screening Data folder. Make sure that you do not change the file name at all.
  • If you're on the server, avoid a number of issues by restarting the session - click Session - Restart R
  • Delete the default R Markdown welcome text and insert a new code chunk that loads the tidyverse and psych packages using the library() function and loads the data into an object named messy using read_csv()

12.2 Activity 2: Look at the data

messy is simulated data for an experiment looking at the effect of note-taking on test performance and whether this is affected by being a native speaker. Participants are first given a pre-test to judge their baseline knowledge, then they watch a lecture and take notes. Immediately after the lecture is finished they take another test. Finally, they are tested after a week delay. The maximum score for any test is 30. Participants lose marks for incorrect answers so minus scores are also possible. The dataset has six variables:

  • id = the participant ID number
  • age = the age of the participant
  • speaker = if the participant is a native or non-native English speaker
  • gender = if the participant is male, female, or non-binary
  • pre = pre-test score before any notes were taken
  • post = post-test score immediately after the lecture
  • delay = test score after one week delay

12.3 Missing data

The first issue we will cover is missing data. Data can be missing because your participants accidentally didn't fill in a question, it can be missing because they intentionally didn't want to answer, or that they didn't turn up to a final testing session, or it could be that you did something wrong whilst setting up your questionnaire/experiment and it didn't save. Real data frequently contains missing values and it's important that you know how to identify missing data and what you can do with it.

12.4 Activity 3: summary()

A good way to get a sense of how many missing data points you have is to use summary(). Because speaker and gender are text rather than numbers, in order to see how many values are missing we first need to convert them to factors.

  • Run the below code
messy <- messy %>%
  mutate(speaker = as.factor(speaker), 
         gender = as.factor(gender))


As you can see, there are 20 data points missing (NAs) in each of speaker, gender, and delay (but importantly, this isn't from just 20 participants).There are several different approaches to dealing with missing data. We will cover the most common.

12.5 Activity 4: Listwise deletion

One method for dealing with missing data is listwise deletion. This approach removes any participant with a single missing value. So if there is missing data in any of the columns in the dataset, that participant will be removed and you will only be left with complete datasets. We can achieve this using drop_na

  • Run the below code and then view the object.
messy_listwise <- drop_na(messy)

As you can see messy_listwise now only contains data from participants with a complete set of data. This might seem like a good thing, and sometimes it is the most appropriate option, however, there are a couple of important points to consider.

First, gender isn't part of our experiment - it's not one of the IVs, it's just there as demographic information. We wouldn't include gender in any of our analyses but because of listwise deletion we have deleted experimental data if the participant was missing gender. This is related to the second problem which is that using full listwise deletion may result in the loss of a lot of data. Look at the environment pane - the original dataset had 200 participants, after using drop_na() we only have 143 so we've lost over 25% of our data by doing this. If this was real data we would also want to check if the missing values were coming from one particular group (i.e., non-random attrition).

One option is to amend the use of drop_na() so that it doesn't include gender and we can do this using the same code as we would if we were using select().

  • Run the below code. How many observations does messy_listwise2 have?
messy_listwise2 <- drop_na(messy, -gender)

12.6 Pairwise deletion

The alternative to listwise deletion is pairwise deletion when cases are removed depending upon the analysis. For example, if we were to calculate the correlations between pre, post, and delay without removing participants with missing data in the delay condition, R would use different numbers of participants in each correlation depending on missing data which you can see in the Sample Sizes section.

## ============
## - correlation type:  pearson 
## - correlations shown only when both variables are numeric
##         pre     post    delay   
## pre       .    0.448*** 0.512***
## post  0.448***     .    0.548***
## delay 0.512*** 0.548***     .   
## ---
## Signif. codes: . = p < .1, * = p<.05, ** = p<.01, *** = p<.001
## ========
## - total number of tests run:  3 
## - correction for multiple testing:  holm 
##         pre  post delay
## pre       . 0.000 0.000
## post  0.000     . 0.000
## delay 0.000 0.000     .
## ============
##       pre post delay
## pre   200  200   180
## post  200  200   180
## delay 180  180   180

12.7 Activity 5: na.rm = TRUE

When running inferential tests like correlations and t-tests, R will usually know when to ignore missing values. However, if you're calculating descriptive statistics or if you want to calculate the average score of a number of different items, you need to explicitly tell R to ignore the missing values.

  • Run the below code to calculate the mean score for each testing condition.
          pre_mean = mean(pre),
          post_mean = mean(post),
          delay_mean = mean(delay)
pre_mean post_mean delay_mean
10.02 17.27 NA

The mean score for delay shows as NA. This is because R is trying to calculate an average of a dataset and including the missing value and this creates a logical problem (how do you take the average of nothing?). In order to calculate the mean we have to tell R to ignore the missing values by adding na.rm = TRUE to our code. You can read this as "remove the NAs? Yes".

  • Run the below code. What is the mean score for the delay condition to 2 decimal places?

It's really important that you think about whether you want to calculate your descriptives from participants that have missing data. For example, if you are calculating the average reaction time from hundreds of trials, a few missing data points won't affect the validity of the mean. However, if you are using a standardised questionnaire that has been validated using complete responses but your participants didn't answer 3/10 questions, it may not be appropriate to calculate a mean score from the remaining data.

12.8 Activity 6: Implausible values

A crucial step of data screening is checking for implausible values. What is implausible depends on the data you've collected! summary() can also help you out here by looking at the minimum and maximum values.

  • Run summary(messy) again and look at the minimum and maximum values for each variable.

  • Do the min and max values of age look plausible?

  • Do the min and max values of pre look plausible?

  • Do the min and max values of post look plausible?

  • Do the min and max values of delay look plausible?

The maximum value for age is 470, this is unlikely to be correct!

The maximum value for pre, post, and delay should be 30, as we described at the start of the chapter. However, for post, the maximum value is 33 so something is wrong. This is a very important check to do on your data, not just for the raw data but if you've calculated a total score.

12.9 Activity 7: Visualising implausible values

Whilst summary() can be useful, another key step is to visualise the data to check for implausible values.

How you do this will depend on the data, and your preferences. You could produce violin-boxplots with the data points on top to check the distributions

messy %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c("pre", "post", "delay"), 
               names_to = "test", 
               values_to = "score") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = test, y = score)) +
  geom_violin() +
  geom_boxplot() +
  geom_jitter(width = .2)
Data screening plots

Figure 4.3: Data screening plots

You could also use histograms:

ggplot(messy, aes(x = age)) +
Histograms for data screening

Figure 12.1: Histograms for data screening

messy %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c("pre", "post", "delay"), 
               names_to = "test", 
               values_to = "score") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = score)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 1) +
Histograms for data screening

Figure 12.2: Histograms for data screening

Whatever method you choose, make sure that you look at your data before trying to work with it and that you know in advance what range your values should take (for example, if your Likert scale is 1-7, you shouldn't have a score of 8, for reaction times, 50ms is unlikely to reflect a real response).

12.10 Dealing with implausible values or missing data

To remove implausible values you can use replace and mutate.

  • For age, we know that we have one very specific data point that is implausible, an age of 470 so we can specify just to replace this one value with NA.
  • For post, there are multiple missing values so we specify to replace any data point that is over the maximum plausible value (30) with NA.
messy_screen <-  messy %>% 
  mutate(age = replace(age, age == 470, NA),
         post = replace(post, post > 30, NA))

There is no hard and fast rule about what to do with missing data. You should review the missing data to see if there are any patterns, for example, is all the missing data from one condition? Does a single participant have a lot of missing data and should they be removed.

One method of dealing with implausible data is to impute the data, i.e., to replace missing data with substituted values. There are many methods of doing this, for example, you can replace missing values with the mean. We won't go into which method you should choose this in this chapter but there's more information available online about the various options if you're interested. The code for imputing missing data is relatively simple and uses mutate() and replace_na().

  • You can read the below code as "create a new variable named post_impute that replaces the values of post if they're NA with the mean of the values in post.
messy_impute <- messy_screen %>%
  mutate(post_impute = replace_na(post, 
                                  mean(post, na.rm = TRUE)))

12.11 Alternative descriptive statistics

So far in this book, we've calculated descriptive statistics using summarise() from the tidyverse. There's a good reason we've done this - the output of summarise() works well with ggplot() and the code is very flexible. However, there are other options for producing descriptive statistics that it is helpful to know about.

The psych package contains many functions that are useful for psychology research. One of the functions of psych is describe().

  • Run the below code
descriptives <- describe(messy)
vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
id* 1 200 100.500000 57.8791845 100.5 100.500000 74.1300 1 200 199 0.0000000 -1.2180144 4.0926764
age 2 200 36.075000 32.3102015 34.0 33.931250 13.3434 18 470 452 12.0951922 159.6718805 2.2846763
speaker* 3 180 1.511111 0.5012709 2.0 1.513889 0.0000 1 2 1 -0.0440855 -2.0091259 0.0373625
gender* 4 180 1.688889 0.7268889 2.0 1.611111 1.4826 1 3 2 0.5452331 -0.9643153 0.0541791
pre 5 200 10.015000 5.0039959 10.0 9.987500 4.4478 -5 26 31 0.0555773 0.2559528 0.3538359
post 6 200 17.270000 6.3386110 17.0 16.968750 5.9304 3 40 37 0.5802699 0.7133158 0.4482075
delay 7 180 13.600000 5.1563271 14.0 13.645833 4.4478 -3 29 32 -0.0462551 0.4985955 0.3843299

describe() produces a full set of descriptive statistics, including skew, kurtosis and standard error for the entire dataset! Run ?describe to see a full explanation of all the statistics it calculates.

You may have noticed when you ran the code you received a number of error messages. This is because describe() doesn't know how to deal with the data that is in id which has both numbers and letters.

Additionally, you should see that id, speaker and gender all have a star next to their name. This star signifies that these variables are factors, and so it is not really appropriate to calculate these statistics, but we asked it to apply describe to the entire dataset so it's done what you asked.

describe() can be used in conjunction with select() to remove these variables.

descriptives2 <- messy %>%
  select(-id, -speaker, -gender) %>%

vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
age 1 200 36.075 32.310201 34 33.93125 13.3434 18 470 452 12.0951922 159.6718805 2.2846763
pre 2 200 10.015 5.003996 10 9.98750 4.4478 -5 26 31 0.0555773 0.2559528 0.3538359
post 3 200 17.270 6.338611 17 16.96875 5.9304 3 40 37 0.5802699 0.7133158 0.4482075
delay 4 180 13.600 5.156327 14 13.64583 4.4478 -3 29 32 -0.0462551 0.4985955 0.3843299

A variant of describe() is describeBy which works very much like using summarise() and group_by() together.

descriptives3 <- messy %>%
  select(-id, -speaker) %>%
  describeBy(group = "gender")

##  Descriptive statistics by group 
## gender: female
##         vars  n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad min max range  skew kurtosis
## age        1 84 38.10 48.64     31   32.96 11.86  18 470   452  8.32    71.04
## gender*    2 84  1.00  0.00      1    1.00  0.00   1   1     0   NaN      NaN
## pre        3 84 10.38  5.06      9   10.28  4.45  -1  23    24  0.24    -0.42
## post       4 84 18.20  6.99     17   17.96  5.93   3  36    33  0.37    -0.08
## delay      5 78 13.18  5.17     13   13.33  5.93  -3  24    27 -0.31     0.15
##           se
## age     5.31
## gender* 0.00
## pre     0.55
## post    0.76
## delay   0.59
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## gender: male
##         vars  n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad min max range  skew kurtosis
## age        1 68 34.96 10.03     35   35.09 14.83  18  50    32 -0.05    -1.30
## gender*    2 68  2.00  0.00      2    2.00  0.00   2   2     0   NaN      NaN
## pre        3 68 10.04  4.85     11   10.11  4.45  -5  26    31 -0.05     1.33
## post       4 68 16.28  5.41     16   16.23  5.19   4  33    29  0.25     0.46
## delay      5 59 14.02  5.07     14   14.04  4.45   1  29    28  0.04     0.62
##           se
## age     1.22
## gender* 0.00
## pre     0.59
## post    0.66
## delay   0.66
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## gender: nonbinary
##         vars  n  mean   sd median trimmed   mad min max range  skew kurtosis
## age        1 28 34.96 9.25   35.5   34.96 11.86  20  50    30 -0.03    -1.30
## gender*    2 28  3.00 0.00    3.0    3.00  0.00   3   3     0   NaN      NaN
## pre        3 28  9.29 5.36   10.0    9.54  4.45  -4  19    23 -0.48    -0.18
## post       4 28 16.86 5.10   16.0   16.79  4.45   8  26    18  0.35    -0.85
## delay      5 25 12.84 4.67   13.0   12.90  4.45   3  25    22  0.07     0.43
##           se
## age     1.75
## gender* 0.00
## pre     1.01
## post    0.96
## delay   0.93

If you look in the environment you will see that descriptives3 is saved as a List of 3. What this means is that the table of descriptives for each gender is saved as a separate table, one for female, one for male, one for non-binary. To get access to them individually, you need to use the object$variable notation.


The output of describe() is a little harder to work with in terms of manipulating the table and using the data in subsequent plots and analyses, so we still strongly recommend that you use summarise() and group_by() for these operations, however, for getting a comprehensive overview of your data, describe() is a good function to know about.

12.12 Finished!

And you're done! This isn't a comprehensive tutorial on every type of dataset you will come across and the concept of tidy data will take practice but hopefully this should give you a good starting point for when you have your own real, messy data.

12.13 Activity solutions

12.13.1 Activity 1

messy <- read_csv("messy.csv")

click the tab to see the solution