F Exercises
You can access exercises and answers for all of the chapters through the reprores
# run this to access the exercise
# run this to access the answers
reprores::exercise(1, answers = TRUE)
Alternatively, download all exercises and data files below as a ZIP archive. The answers are not included in the zip file.
- Chapter 1: Intro to R, functions, R markdown
- Exercise: Rmd|html; Answers: Rmd|html
- Chapter 2: Create an R Markdown project
- Exercise: Rmd|html; Answers: Rmd|html
- Chapter 3: Data visualisation
- Exercise: Rmd|html; Answers: Rmd|html
- Chapter 4: Data
- Exercise: Rmd|html; Answers: Rmd|html
- Chapter 5: Data relations
- Exercise: Rmd|html; Answers: Rmd|html
- Chapter 6: Tidy Data
- Exercise: Rmd|html; Answers: Rmd|html
- Chapter 7: Data wrangling
- Exercise: Rmd|html; Answers: Rmd|html
- Chapter 8: GLM
- Exercise: Rmd|html; Answers: Rmd|html
- Chapter 9: Functions and iteration
- Exercise: Rmd|html; Answers: Rmd|html
- Chapter 10: Simulation
- Exercise: Rmd|html; Answers: Rmd|html