
Welcome to the Level 2 Practical Lab Series

Over the course of this year's practical lab sessions, and this book, we will help you learn a whole host of skills and methods based around being a Psychologist. If you have completed Book 1 in the PsyTeachR series ( the first few labs will be familiar to you, with some additions. This is deliberate in order to refresh your knowledge and skills before moving on to more advanced topics later in this book. First, we will remind you how to work with R Markdown, before recapping the main functions we use for visualisation and data wrangling. From there we will build your understanding of probability before going on to using all these refreshed skills to analyse a variety of different experiments; all with the idea and mantra of being reproducibile in our approach throughout. By the end of the book we would hope that you are both competent and confident in all the knolwedge and skills we want you to have going forward, and we will be here to support you along the way.

As you will see, this book requires a bit more self-directed learning than the first book; part of learning is trying things out yourself and recognising where you need help. That said, that does not mean we are not here to help and any time you are unsure, please, ask in class, on the forums, at our student office hours, or wherever you are most comfortable. And remember, when working through this book, this book is not about learning a software. We do not "teach R", nor do you "learn R". We teach data and analytical skills and knowledge within R, mainly within the tidyverse framework, and you are learning data and analytical skills and knowledge within R. This is an important point tohave in mind, as keeping the goals and tasks achievable will help you develop and will help you realise your achievements and accomplishments. Learning different skills, step-by-step, and integrating them together as we progress, will see you all advance in your learning!

You can do this! We will support you! We will all learn together!